
warlike [ˈwɔ:laɪk]  [ˈwɔ:rlaɪk] 

warlike 基本解释


形容词好战的; 尚武的; 军事的; 与战争有关的

warlike 网络解释


1. 好战的,好斗的:sportsmanlike 像运动员一样的 | warlike 好战的,好斗的 | womanlike 像女人的

2. 战争的:wariness 注意 | warlike 战争的 | warlock 术士

3. 好战的:warfare 战争 | warlike 好战的 | warm 温暖的

4. 军事的:Terrestrial陆地的 | Warlike军事的 | Bellicose好战的

warlike 词典解释

1. 好战的
    Warlike people seem aggressive and eager to start a war.

    e.g. The Scythians were a fiercely warlike people.
    e.g. ...hopes of a peaceful solution despite increased warlike rhetoric from both sides.

2. 作战用的;打仗用的
    A warlike object or activity relates to fighting a war.

    e.g. They were armed with spears and other warlike implements.
    e.g. ...the warlike preparations of Mr Churchill.

warlike 单语例句

1. But then late Wednesday he called a radio station with more warlike words.

2. Rather, it was Genghis Khan and his warlike impatience that sparked off the trend.

3. The loopholes left in the walls along these lanes are evidence of the village's warlike history.

4. warlike

4. " Bush has come across as a little more aggressive and warlike than I like, " he said.

warlike 英英释义


1. suggesting war or military life

    Synonym: martial

2. warlike

2. disposed to warfare or hard-line policies

    e.g. militant nations
           hawkish congressman
           warlike policies

    Synonym: militant hawkish