


warlords 基本解释
军阀( warlord的名词复数 );
warlords 网络解释


1. 军阀:待各城人口有所增长并造出了军阀(Warlords)后,即展开对凯尔特人的战争,以打通前往东、西罗马帝国的道路. 军阀在战斗中的第一场胜利将使国家进入黄金时代,在此期间猛出军阀. 该兵种的最大特点不仅在于它强大的战斗力,

2. 投名状:基本上电影走的路线比较唯美一点,音乐用得很柔,从头到尾的质感都很温,所以规模绝对不是<<投名状>>(Warlords)那种千军万马、伏尸百万、流血千里的程度. 很明显可以看出经费(六千万,在国片也算很多了)是没办法拍到那麼大的场面的(中场面也没有),

3. 群雄逐鹿:War of the Mighty 先发制人 | Warlords 群雄逐鹿 | Warmongers 战争贩子

4. 戰士:Breakout 冲突 | Warlords 战士 | Erin the goddess 爱琳女神

warlords 单语例句

1. Its main objective was to unify China under the Kuomintang banner by ending the rule of local warlords.

2. The country was largely under the control of warlords until June, when the Islamic militia movement seized control of the capital and much of southern Somalia.

3. The country has been plagued by factional fighting between warlords and has not had a functioning central administration since 1991.

4. The withdrawal of " The Warlords " has prompted speculation as to what films might be contending for the mainland entry.

5. Currently there are dozens of warlords crowded in the small Central Asian country, who keep tight control on both the political and economic power within their own domains.

6. The country was largely under the control of warlords until this past summer, when the Islamic militia movement seized power.

7. Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991 when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another.

8. Somalia has been without an effective government since 1991, when warlords overthrew a dictatorship and then turned on one another.

9. The biggest success of the campaign was fragmenting the country where warlords and former drug dealers fight.

10. The frenzy recalled the October 1993 scene in Somalia, when locals dragged the bodies of Marines killed in fighting with warlords through the streets.