
wartime [ˈwɔ:taɪm]  [ˈwɔ:rtaɪm] 

wartime 基本解释


wartime 反义词


wartime 网络解释


1. 战时:所幸有位1944年重夺欧洲的亲历者:著名文学评论家保罗.福塞尔(Paul Fussell),其经典之作<<战时>>(Wartime)的最后阐述,足以说明霍尔顿令人难忘的叙述所由何来.

2. 武器最大:choco 巧克力最大 | wartime 武器最大 | iamhungry 食物最大

3. 挑战预定时间:username ;挑战队队名 | wartime ;挑战预定时间 | oicq ;挑战队队长QQ

4. 最多的武器:choco 最多的巧克力蛋糕 | wartime 最多的武器 | iamhungry 最多的食物

wartime 词典解释

1. 战时;战争时期
    Wartime is a period of time when a war is being fought.

    e.g. The government will commandeer ships only in wartime.
    e.g. ...his wartime experiences in France.

wartime 单语例句

1. Training tasks are based on possible wartime assignments and the caliber of the reservists.

2. In wartime, it may be called into active service in pursuance of a state mobilization order.

3. Suyuan Woo creates the club to cheer up her friends during wartime in China.

4. Chemical weapon experts from the military confirmed it was a chemical weapons dump used by wartime Japanese troops.

5. Japan reportedly may not be able to clean up all the wartime chemical weapons that its militarist army left behind in China before 2012.

6. The poll found that " old Britain " was represented by a stiff upper lip, impeccable manners and wartime leader Winston Churchill.

7. In a similar exercise held in the UK in 2002, wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill was voted the greatest Briton.

8. Vandals have poured red paint over the statue of wartime Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill in London's Parliament Square.

9. wartime的翻译

9. Turkey strongly rejects genocide allegations and regards the events as civil strife in wartime which claimed lives of many Turks and Armenians.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. It must look further into the situation and hear from the victims to reveal the true situation of " comfort women " and wartime coercion.

wartime 英英释义



1. a period of time during which there is armed conflict