
wastrel [ˈweɪstrəl]  [ˈwestrəl] 


wastrel 基本解释

名词浪子; 无用的人,废物

wastrel 网络解释

1. 废物:wasting 浪费的 | wastrel 废物 | wat cloud 战云

2. 挥霍无度的人:548. warmonger: 好战者,战争贩子. | 549. wastrel: 挥霍无度的人. | 550. windbag: 饶舌的人.

3. 废品:wastingsyndrome 消耗综合征 | wastrel 废品 | watch 警戒 警戒 观看 监视 表 值班

wastrel 词典解释

1. 二流子;败家子
    If you describe someone as a wastrel you mean that they are lazy and spend their time and money on foolish things.

    e.g. Her father wouldn't let her marry a wastrel.

wastrel 英英释义


1. someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently

    Synonym: waster