1. 表带:watch 注视 | watchband 表带 | watchcase 表壳
2. 手表带:watchattentivelyagazefixate 注视 | watchband 手表带 | watchbandwatchstrapwristlet 表带
3. 表带/手表带:watchable /值得注意的/ | watchband /表带/手表带/ | watchbox /哨舍/看守小屋/
4. 鞋类、腹带、表带、立体商标:全套优质原器件组装,性能稳定. It is made of a whole set high-quality imported components | 鞋类、腹带、表带、立体商标、shoes, bellyband, watchband, solid brand | 铭牌、巾纸. Nameplate,
1. a band of cloth or leather or metal links attached to a wristwatch and wrapped around the wrist
Synonym: watchstrap wristband watch bracelet bracelet