
watchtower [ˈwɒtʃtaʊə(r)]  [ˈwɑ:tʃtaʊə(r)] 


watchtower 基本解释



watchtower 网络解释

1. 警戒塔:需要注意的是像巡视员了望台、警戒塔(Watchtower)、税局(TaxOffice)这些必须建在居民区但又有着不利影响的建筑,它们应该尽量建在居民区边角的地方并用美化类建筑跟住所隔开(巡视员了望台周围的环境改善会使巡视员了望台升级,

2. 了望塔:1939年,他们的4万名野外工作者分发了1,500万份文件和600万份<<了望塔>>(Watchtower)及其他类似的杂志. 即将来临的战争风暴,也没能动摇他们的主张,这激起了反对他们的浪潮,一长串公民自由诉讼摆在了最高法院的面前.

3. 望台:总部负责督导普世的会众,确定每周日供会众唱颂的赞美诗曲目和供会众学习的阐释<<圣经>>的文章篇目,并编辑出版两种免费派发的半月刊--会众每礼拜日的学习材料<<守望台>>(Watchtower)和平时的阅读材料<<警醒>>(Awake),

watchtower 词典解释

1. 瞭望塔;岗楼
    A watchtower is a high building which gives a person a good view of the area around the place that they are guarding.

watchtower 单语例句

1. After hiking and fording the river several more times we reached our campsite, under the gaze of a watchtower.

2. " Man's final frontier ", reads the caption above a picture of a rugged hunter perched on his watchtower.

3. watchtower在线翻译

3. Once a dramatic demarcation between town and countryside, the watchtower today is a quickie destination well inside the sprawling frontiers of the capital.

4. Here the remains of a solitary watchtower stand on a hillock near a small oasis, with desolation all around.

5. watchtower是什么意思

5. The archway now serves at the entrance to the watchtower area, and the modern railway to Beijing station runs just north of the tower.

6. By the time the boy was 18 years old, the watchtower had risen 18 floors and the iron had been forged into a sword.

7. watchtower的意思

7. Some names and dates written in English and Cyrillic can still be seen on one outer wall of the watchtower.

8. On the second floor of the watchtower, the exhibition returns to the tower's history.


9. In August 1979 the watchtower at Deshengmen was placed on the municipality's list of important cultural relics for preservation.

10. To protect inhabitants and property, the Zhai watchtower was built at the entrance of villages.

watchtower 英英释义


1. an observation tower for a lookout to watch over prisoners or watch for fires or enemies