1. 瓦:再说你的机子没问题,也不好说换啊. 上面写着450W是厂商最佳推荐,可以不理的. ========== 300瓦(watt)的应该问题不大但是最好是350W左右的最好 ========== 额定300瓦(watt)够用了 ========== 问题不是特别大
2. 功率:2A.2功率 (dBm), 电压 (V), 和功率(Watt)之间的关系;十、师资介绍:李缉熙博士,中国电子电器可靠性工程协会高级讲师,1979至2001年间,服务于美国Motorola ,总共在无线通信系统设计部门工作达20年之久,大多数年份从事射频和射频集成电路的设计,
3. 瓦特,瓦:ソフト soft 柔软的,柔和的;(电子计算机)软件 | ウット watt 瓦特,瓦 | カット cut 剪掉,割掉,去掉
4. watt:w; 瓦
1. 瓦,瓦特(电的功率单位)
A watt is a unit of measurement of electrical power.
e.g. Use a 3 amp fuse for equipment up to 720 watts.
720 瓦以下的设备使用3安培的保险丝。
e.g. ...a 100-watt lightbulb.
100 瓦的灯泡
1. Watt suggests US and European fund managers follow their Asian counterparts who have adopted more flexible policies.
2. Chen's delegation and Australian Secretary of Defense Ian J Watt and the Chief of the Defense Force Angus Houston hold discussion throughout the day.
3. Watt's only hiccup was the heel injury sustained in his first competition in Europe.
4. watt的反义词
4. The government in March approved a subsidy of 20 yuan per watt for solar PV systems larger than 50 kW fixed on building roofs.
5. " It would certainly be a positive backdrop for the currency, " Watt said.
6. Watt said an amount equal to 2 percent of Asian reserves would mean about C $ 100 billion of currency flows into Canada.
7. Watt said most fund managers surveyed by DTZ worry about the high risks of investing in the Chinese market.
8. watt的翻译
8. Watt said he wanted to thank the Chinese State Administration of Cultural Heritage for their full support that helped make this exhibition possible.
9. Houston and Watt highlighted the importance of such dialogue between the two armed forces and defense departments.
10. The cost of solar modules has been lowered to $ 1 per watt.
1. watt
1. a unit of power equal to 1 joule per second
the power dissipated by a current of 1 ampere flowing across a resistance of 1 ohm
Synonym: W