
wean [wi:n]  [win] 







wean 基本解释


及物动词使断奶; 使断念


wean 相关例句


1. She tried to wean him away from football.

2. The boy was weaned at six months because his mother had to go to work.

3. Tess was trying to wean herself from the old life.

4. He was sent away to school to wean him from bad companions.

wean 网络解释


1. 断奶:wealthy 丰裕的 | wean 断奶 | weanling 断奶婴儿

2. 断绝,放弃:caldron 大锅 | wean 断绝,放弃 | procession 列队行进

3. 婴儿;小孩:弱电解质 weak electrolyte | 婴儿;小孩 wean | 离乳仔畜;离乳器 weaner

4. 摆脱依赖;断奶:Switchgrass:柳枝稷 | Algae:海藻 | Wean:摆脱依赖;断奶

wean 词典解释

1. 给(婴儿或幼崽)断奶
    When a baby or baby animal is weaned, its mother stops feeding it milk and starts giving it other food, especially solid food.

    e.g. The baby would be weaned and she would bring it home...
    e.g. When would be the best time to start weaning my baby?...

Weaning should be a gradual process.

2. 使放弃,使戒掉,使不再依赖(尤指恶习)
    If you wean someone off a habit or something they like, you gradually make them stop doing it or liking it, especially when you think is bad for them.

    e.g. He was mellowed by a wife who weaned him off violence and drink...
    e.g. You are given pills with small quantities of nicotine to wean you from cigarettes...

wean 单语例句

1. They are also increasingly buying overseas mines to wean themselves off their dependence on imports.

2. A drug could potentially protect a patient's liver while they have treatment to wean them off alcohol.

3. Targeting grey gamers is proving a smart move by Nintendo as software makers try to wean themselves off the shrinking teen market.

4. wean的解释

4. It can be used as a substitute for drugs such as heroine to help addicts wean off their addictions.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Sharon underwent a tracheotomy earlier this week that created an incision in his windpipe to help wean him off respiratory machines.

6. It aims to provide engines for the homemade jumbo jet in order to wean from its reliance on foreign companies.

7. It makes us wonder if a mere 50 cent levy is sufficient to wean our fellow citizens from the plastic bag habit.

8. The company provides inhalers of decreasing nicotine strength so that users can wean themselves off gradually.

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9. China's energy demands are growing exponentially as it modernizes, while Japan is eager to wean itself off oil from the volatile Middle East.

10. It hopes to cut urban pollution by phasing out coal and wean China off imported oil.

wean 英英释义



1. gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk

    e.g. she weaned her baby when he was 3 months old and started him on powdered milk
           The kitten was weaned and fed by its owner with a bottle

    Synonym: ablactate

2. detach the affections of