
weeping [ˈwi:pɪŋ]  [ˈwipɪŋ] 





weeping 基本解释


动词流泪; (通常因悲伤)哭泣( weep的现在分词 ); 悲哀; 哀悼

weeping 网络解释

1. 哭泣:随着哀乐(funeral music)奏起,遗体(remains)进入,始闻哭泣(weeping)之声. 悼词(lament)于众人默哀中(in silent tribute)致予. 最后送别之时,围棺木(coffin)而行,但见老人躺于花丛之中,安详而慈善,彷佛尘世之嚎啕(wail)也无法使远在极乐的老人听闻.

2. 泣:随着哀乐(funeral music)奏起,遗体(remains)进入,始闻哭泣(weeping)之声. 悼词(lament)于众人默哀中(in silent tribute)致予. 最后送别之时,围棺木(coffin)而行,但见老人躺于花丛之中,安详而慈善,彷佛尘世之嚎啕(wail)也无法使远在极乐的老人听闻.

3. (回荡着哭泣):jealous,(充满了妒忌) | weeping (回荡着哭泣) | or lost you,(还是失去了你?)

4. 垂枝的:weeper 哭泣的人 | weeping 垂枝的 | weeping 泪汪汪的

weeping 单语例句

1. We pass by a neat little island with trimmed hedges and rows and rows of weeping willows.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The event was particularly touching when the prisoners sang Mother in the Candlelight, as their voices mixed with sounds of weeping.

3. weeping

3. Weeping and clutching each other for support, some families and friends of victims attended a service at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.

4. Hundreds of weeping family members gathered Tuesday at the Adam Malik Hospital morgue, looking for loved ones among a long row of charred bodies.

5. About 100 residents fled for their lives, many weeping while others paused to capture the chaotic scene on cell phone cameras.

6. Weeping willows and the gloriette reflect in the clear water, making the area more charming.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. A police commander was surrounded by weeping and chanting worshippers as he made a last appeal that they leave voluntarily.

8. When winter comes, the weeping willows along the river bank cover with frost and glitter ice.

9. Iraqi police fired warning shots into the air to disperse weeping and frustrated people racing to the area to learn the fate of their relatives.

10. Mom was about to pray after kneeling down, but finally couldn't help weeping upon remembering the days when her parents were still alive.

weeping 英英释义


1. the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds)

    e.g. I hate to hear the crying of a child
           she was in tears

    Synonym: crying tears


1. having branches or flower heads that bend downward

    e.g. nodding daffodils
           the pendulous branches of a weeping willow
           lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers

    Synonym: cernuous drooping nodding pendulous

2. weeping的解释

2. showing sorrow

    Synonym: dolorous dolourous lachrymose tearful