
weightless [ˈweɪtləs]  [ˈwetlɪs] 

weightless 基本解释



weightless 网络解释

1. 选自<<西索>:09.DON'T IT MAKE MY BROWN EYES BLUE <<长发妹-总是最好的>> | 10.WEIGHTLESS 选自<<西索>> | 11.HOTEL CALLFURULHOTEL 选自<<老鹰乐队>>

2. 无重量的:weightiness 重 | weightless 无重量的 | weightlessness 无重状态

3. 失重的:weightkit 加重箱 | weightless 失重的 | weightlessfluid 无重量流体

weightless 词典解释

1. 无重量的;轻的
    Something that is weightless weighs nothing or seems to weigh nothing.

    e.g. Photons have no mass—they are weightless.
    e.g. ...weightless silk curtains.

2. weightless什么意思

2. 失重的
    A person or object is weightless when they are in space and the earth's gravity does not affect them, so that they float around.

    e.g. Helen described life in a weightless environment during her period in space.

...the human body's response to weightlessness.
weightless 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. This weightless foundation glides across skin like velvet and blends effortlessly to even out skin tone.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. They were trained to operate different apparatus under " weightless status " in space.

3. It would provide information on the controls needed in the near weightless environment of lower space.

4. The footage also showed female astronaut Liu Yang practicing weightless forward rolls.

5. They will be " the first bride and groom to be married in zero gravity, " said the company which arranges commercial weightless flights.

weightless 英英释义


1. weightless

1. having little or no weight or apparent gravitational pull

    e.g. floating freely in a weightless condition
           a baby bat...fluffy and weightless as a moth
           jackets made of a weightless polyester fabric