
weightlessness ['weɪtləsnəs]  ['weɪtləsnəs] 

weightlessness 基本解释

名词失重; 无重状态

weightlessness 网络解释


1. 失重:失重:当物体具有向下的加速度时,物体对支持物的压力(或对悬挂物的拉力)小于物体所 受的重力的现象,称为失重(weightlessness)现象. 由此可知:产生失重现象的条件是物体具有向下的加速度,它与物体运动速度的大小和方向 无关.失重现象包括加速下降和减速上升两种情况.

2. 无重状态:然而卢马爱情电影的轻,较诸<<重庆森林>>的完全处于无重状态(weightlessness)仍然有所不如. <<重>>片令人爱不释手,因为它提醒(而非告诉)我们,轻于鸿毛的爱情一样可以隽永动人. 在这套堪称香港爱情电影的经典里,

3. 无重状态,失重:weightlessness 失重 | weightlessness 无重状态,失重 | weightsandmeasures 度量衡

4. 失重状态:weight-exercise || 力量锻炼 | weightlessness || 失重状态 | weightlifter || 举重运动员

weightlessness 单语例句

1. weightlessness在线翻译

1. CCTV showed astronauts in training being spun blindfolded in a mock space capsule and doing somersaults in simulated weightlessness.

2. A good floating sensation can be achieved in water that is 7 percent salt, and near weightlessness can be felt in water that is 15 percent salt.

3. The six passengers would experience about five minutes of weightlessness and get a glimpse of Earth.

4. Earlier research showed that human beings in weightlessness usually suffer fluid redistribution and bone and muscle loss.

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5. It tested instruments for controlling a vehicle in the weightlessness of space.

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6. Upon entry, he adjusted to the weightlessness and waved to a monitoring camera.

7. Blaine's underwater environment was similar to the weightlessness experienced by astronauts in outer space, he said.

8. " I envy them being able to experience weightlessness in such a spacious module, " he said.

9. The view and the feeling of weightlessness are drawing him back as well.

10. The beverages will be " injected " into an astronaut's mouth through a pipe, because weightlessness in space makes it impossible to drink from a cup.

weightlessness 英英释义



1. weightlessness

1. the property of being comparatively small in weight

    e.g. the lightness of balsa wood

    Synonym: lightness