well versed

well versed

well versed 单语例句

1. He is not only adept at strategic studies but also well versed in serious scholarship in general.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. A senior member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party well versed in financial issues, he was tapped by Abe to reform the country's creaking pensions system.

3. The artists in this exhibition are well versed in drawing the attention of Western viewers employing novelty and playing with Western classics to great effect.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. No one who is not well versed in financial legerdemain can make much sense of this battle of the bonds.

5. well versed的反义词

5. " He's musically so well versed and possesses such a wide range, " Bolton says on his official website.

6. China is well versed in disaster relief work, particularly with earthquakes.

7. The resourceful Huizhou merchants were well versed in the expertise of obtaining a position so as to attach themselves to the court.

8. He is well versed in the factors behind Germany's economic competitiveness and social vigor, compared with other Western countries such as the US and UK.

9. It is believed that he will pass this test, as he is well versed in his father and grandfather's statecraft.

10. The artist admits his works " are deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture and wisdom " although he is also well versed in Western art.