
well-informed ['welɪnf'ɔ:md]  [ˈwɛlɪnˈfɔrmd] 


well-informed 基本解释

形容词消息灵通的; 见多识广的; 博识的; 熟悉的

well-informed 反义词



well-informed 网络解释

1. 熟悉的:well-heeled 富有的 | well-informed 熟悉的 | well-intentioned 好意的

2. 消息灵通的:well?founded argument 理由充分的论点理由充分的论点 | well?informed 消息灵通的 | well?judged 判断正确的

3. 博识的:well-in-formed 消息灵通 | well-informed 博识的 | well-intentioned 好意的

4. 消息灵通的, 熟悉的, 博识的, 见闻广博的:verbal learning [心理]言语学习 | well-informed 消息灵通的, 熟悉的, 博识的, 见闻广博的 | androdioecious [植]雄花两性花异株的,雄全异株的

well-informed 词典解释

1. 见多识广的;消息灵通的;知识渊博的
    If you say that someone is well-informed, you mean that they know a lot about many different subjects or about one particular subject.

    e.g. ...a lending library to encourage members to become as well informed as possible...
    e.g. This is a subject for serious, well-informed discussion, not tabloid headlines.

well-informed 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. possessing sound knowledge

    e.g. well-informed readers

    Synonym: intelligent