









wells 基本解释
泉( well的名词复数 );源泉;
wells 网络解释


1. 韦尔斯:出众的抗磨损性能及高抗氧化性. 保持引擎清洁,无损伤. 极端温度下的卓越性能的表现,耐低温性能史无前例. 显著提高引擎效率保持时间更持久. 美孚(mobil)主页:www.mobil.com.cn 韦尔斯(wells)主页:www.wellslube.com

2. 威尔斯:学员学业期满,通过综合考试,论文通过,由学员本人申请,可获得由美国管理技术大学颁发的工商管理博士(DBA)学位(证书与美国本土颁发的完全一样,全球认可)威尔斯(Wells)博士:UMT董事会主席,美国阿波罗登月计划项目部主任,

3. 水井:(注意:磨坊不能离市场太远,否则采购员不会去采购食物)Safety(安全性):在第一关只要求挑水夫(water carrier)和巡察员(Inspectors),所以要建好水井(wells)和巡视员塔楼(Inspector's Tower).

4. 井:<<暗黑破坏神2:毁灭之王>>中,您随时可能发现神殿(Shrines)与井(Wells). 这些神殿和井会随机出现,别因为您刚刚发现了抗火神殿(ResistFireShrine),就以为您马上会遇到一大群会吐火的怪物. 以下是您会在资料片中可能遇到的各种神殿,

wells 单语例句

1. The village has 151 wells dug by hand by several generations over a hundred years in the quest for water.

2. wells的翻译

2. Mariner officials said there were seven active production wells on the platform, and they were shut down shortly before the fire broke out.

3. wells在线翻译

3. At least 40 wells will be required for the power plants to reach their full capacity at a cost of $ 231 million.

4. Rivers and wells in villages around the factory were also polluted by the carbon dust.

5. Ramirez ruled out possible pollution in the Venezuelan Caribbean waters as the gas is dry and the wells were sealed with a special fluid.

6. Seamless casing pipes are widely used in oil exploration and gas wells.

7. Allen told CBS that the oil would stop flowing only when the existing well is plugged with cement once the relief wells have been completed.

8. wells

8. Wells said BP may have to bring another vessel back online and add additional collection capacity in order to stop the oil flow altogether.

9. We dig wells more than 100 meters into the earth for clean drinking water, but we cannot plant our crops 100 meters down or in the air.

10. The lingering drought has already damaged cole and wheat seedlings, and many villagers have seen their wells and ponds dry up.

wells 英英释义


1. prolific English writer best known for his science-fiction novels
    he also wrote on contemporary social problems and wrote popular accounts of history and science (1866-1946)

    Synonym: H. G. Wells Herbert George Wells