whale shark

whale shark [hweil ʃɑ:k]  [hwel ʃɑrk] 

whale shark 基本解释
whale shark 网络解释

1. (鲸鲨):静静的往下飘;海平面在加勒比海的暖风撩拨之下,卷起了层层的浪花,阳光由海面洒落,金光闪闪!此时远方一只鲸鲨(whale shark)张开嘴缓慢的往上方游来,就像一只会飞的大鲨鱼,吞下了空中漫天飞舞的樱花,然后慢慢的朝远方离去.

2. 豆腐鲨;大戆鲨:whale scouting vessel 探鲸船 | whale shark 豆腐鲨;大戆鲨 | whaling 捕鲸;捕鲸业

3. 鲸鲨是海中最大的鱼类,却有着温顺的性格:1 鲸鲨是海中最大的鱼类,却有着温顺的性格 Whale Shark | 2 冰川的移动形成了一弯蓝色的小湖 Glacier Pool | 3 加拿大得文岛附近,一直北极熊纵身越向另一块海冰 Polar Bear on Sea Ice

4. 鲸鲛:鲸鱼 whale | 鲸鲛 whale shark | 鲸骨 whalebone

whale shark 单语例句

1. Its assortment of 29 islands are also fringed by coral reefs which are home to the elusive whale shark.

2. The whale shark can grow to as long as 20 meters, and weigh up to 20 tons.

3. Staff struggle to transfer the whale shark from the truck to its new home at Guangzhou Aquarium.

whale shark 英英释义



1. large spotted shark of warm surface waters worldwide
    resembles a whale and feeds chiefly on plankton

    Synonym: Rhincodon typus