
wheat [wi:t]  [hwit, wit] 



wheat 基本解释



wheat 情景对话


A:Are you ready to order?

B:Yes, we’d like to start with the fried mushroom platter, please.

A:What kind of sauce would you like with that?

B:The blue cheese, please. Could you make that without meat, by the way?

A:Sure. How about your main course?

B:I’ll have the double bacon cheeseburger.

A:Would you like soup or salad with that?

B:Soup, please.

A:French fries, home fries, or mashed potatoes?

B:Hmm, I think I’ll have the home fries.

A:How about for your daughter?

B:She’ll have the four cheese omelette.

A:Does she want a two or three-egg omelette?
      她是要 2 个蛋还是3 个蛋的煎蛋卷?

B:A three-egg omelette.
      3 个蛋的煎蛋卷。

A:Whole wheat or white toast?

B:Could she substitute a muffin for that?

A:Not a problem. Blueberry or plain?


A:And what would you like to drink?

B:Two regular coffees—black—and two glasses of orange juice please.

A:Ok, I’ll bring out the mushroom platter and your drinks shortly.

wheat 网络解释


1. 小麦:鸦片作用: 孩子会上瘾於胃蛋白每中的麻醉活动, 所以他/她反而只吃这类的食物, 如同耽溺於食用鸦片, 浅移默化对自闭儿的脑部产生中毒 (toxic) 作用.1) 面筋类主要是: 小麦 (wheat), 燕麦 (oats), 裸麦/黑麦 (rye) 和 大麦 (barley),

2. 麦子:在Cyrodiil的每个城镇中,特别在仓库(storehouses)和人家的地下室(basements)里,你还能找到巨量普通食物(它们作为练习炼金术的低级原料十分合适),譬如麦子(wheat)、面包(bread)、水果(fruit)、大米(rice)等.

3. 麦田:在入围本次电影节的华语影片中,包括了由何平导演,范冰冰主演的古装片<<麦田>>(Wheat杜琪峰监制,郑保瑞导演,古天乐和任贤齐主演的香港影片<<意外>>.

4. 麦:游戏中的食品共有9种:野味肉(game meat),鱼肉(fish),粟(millet),麦(wheat),稻(rice),卷心菜(cabbage),香料(spice),豆腐(bean curd),盐(salt). 根据mill储存了几种食物,食品店进货时得到不同档次的食品;要调节集市提供的食物档次,

wheat 词典解释

1. 小麦(指植物或籽实)
    Wheat is a cereal crop grown for food. Wheat is also used to refer to the grain of this crop, which is usually ground into flour and used to make bread.

    e.g. ...farmers growing wheat, corn, or other crops.
    e.g. ...wheat flour.

wheat 单语例句

1. wheat的翻译

1. The $ 3 million project involves testing several thousand wheat samples provided by both sides.

2. And farmers gain no benefit from this most environmentally friendly way of disposing of the wheat byproduct.

3. A cow attacked and killed a woman who tried to shoo its calf out of her wheat field.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. Downer said that because of Australia's active military role in removing Saddam from power, a boycott of the country's wheat would annoy many Australians.

5. The unloading of the cargo began yesterday evening after samples of the wheat passed all inspection and quarantine tests.

6. Part of the tariff on wheat imports will be used to promote the cassava industry, he said.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. In the north, wheat is the decisive factor of the year's cereal yield.

8. Wheat is the most important cereal in the world and along with rice and maize accounts for about 73% of world cereal production.

9. It is also a student's job to sift chaff from wheat.

10. wheat的反义词

10. The summer harvest is vital for China as wheat production would add to the grain output for the year.

wheat 英英释义


1. wheat的反义词

1. a variable yellow tint
    dull yellow, often diluted with white

    Synonym: pale yellow straw

2. grains of common wheat
    sometimes cooked whole or cracked as cereal
    usually ground into flour

    Synonym: wheat berry

3. annual or biennial grass having erect flower spikes and light brown grains