whirl tube

whirl tube

whirl tube 双语例句

1. The railcar chassis integral whirl tube is characterized in that bearing beams at the left and the right sides of the car body form a hollow cavity;

whirl tube什么意思

2. According to the functional requirements, their technical characteristics consist of two ways on seal, ceramic package seal weld and tube polysulfone whirl forge seal, and the compact structure.

3. Application testing and study of plasma combustion technology in coal-fired boiler with double inlet and outlet tube mills and direct whirl burners

4. In corner arrangement tangetial firing boiler, the existing of remaining whirl of furnace oulet gas flow would cause gas temperature deviation along the width direction in the horizontal gas pass, which would lead to local overheating and tube rupture in high temperature superheater.

5. It makes desulphurizing efficiency high and operating cost low that an new desulphurizing installation combines Wen's tube with whirl plates and an new method combines condensation with absorption using alkaline wastewater.