
whirl [wɜ:l]  [wɜ:rl] 






whirl 基本解释


不及物动词旋转,回旋; 急走,飞奔; 头晕眼花

及物动词使旋转,使回旋; 卷走; 飞快地带走; 眼花,眩晕

名词旋转,回旋; 昏乱; [动,植]轮,环; 一连串的事

whirl 相关例句


1. The car whirled off them away.


1. The electric fan blades whirled in the hot room.

2. My brain whirled.


1. His brain is in a whirl.

2. His thoughts are in a whirl.

whirl 网络解释


1. (旋转):英式踢踏则强调以芭蕾优美肢体动作为主,在舞步方面有较多的旋转(whirl)、滑步(glissade)等,舞者在演出时常带给人们一种贵族的气息. 爱尔兰式踢踏的特征就是保留了爱尔兰民间舞蹈中身体的舞姿和舞步,上身基本保持直立挺拔,

2. 涡旋:whipper 翻车机 | whirl 涡旋 | whirler crane 回转式起重机

3. 旋涡:whirl 涡流 | whirl 旋涡 | whirl 旋转;旋涡;旋风

4. 涡动:自动定心 self-alignment | 亚临界转速 subcritical speed | 涡动 whirl

whirl 词典解释

1. whirl在线翻译

1. (使)回旋;(使)旋转
    If something or someone whirls around or if you whirl them around, they move around or turn around very quickly.

    e.g. Not receiving an answer, she whirled round...
    e.g. He was whirling Anne around the floor...

2. 一连串;接连不断的活动
    You can refer to a lot of intense activity as a whirl of activity.

    e.g. In half an hour's whirl of activity she does it all...
    e.g. Your life is such a social whirl.

3. 混乱;躁动
    If a person or their mind is in a whirl, they are very confused or excited.

    e.g. My thoughts are in a whirl.

4. 试一试;尝试一下
    If you decide to give an activity a whirl, you do it even though it is something that you have never tried before.

    e.g. Why not give acupuncture a whirl?...
    e.g. We decided to give it a whirl.

whirl 单语例句

1. whirl

1. The disembodied noggin would whirl to the ground while the actor thrashed around.

2. How about giving " oil sticks " with soy milk a whirl to kick start your day?

3. As the music picks up momentum, the dancers whirl like wind.

4. The Royal Palace announced the engagement on Saturday, surprising nearly everyone in Spain and plunging the media into a royal wedding whirl.

5. Columbia University accepted Keys and though she gave it a whirl, the desire to focus on music was her driving force.

6. Doctors told him that his broken whirl bone must be replaced through an operation.

7. whirl是什么意思

7. She recalls feeling ecstatic when she became able to whirl atop her partner's shoulders and head without safety ropes in 2008.

8. Such a high speed is reportedly fast enough to cause a " train whirl ", which can draw people nearby into the bottom of the train.

whirl 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. the act of rotating rapidly

    e.g. he gave the crank a spin
           it broke off after much twisting

    Synonym: spin twirl twist twisting

2. a usually brief attempt

    e.g. he took a crack at it
           I gave it a whirl

    Synonym: crack fling go pass offer

3. whirl

3. confused movement

    e.g. he was caught up in a whirl of work
           a commotion of people fought for the exits

    Synonym: commotion

4. the shape of something rotating rapidly

    Synonym: swirl vortex convolution


1. whirl

1. revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis

    e.g. The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy

    Synonym: spin spin around reel gyrate

2. flow in a circular current, of liquids

    Synonym: eddy purl whirlpool swirl

3. fly around

    e.g. The clothes tumbled in the dryer
           rising smoke whirled in the air

    Synonym: tumble whirl around

4. cause to spin

    e.g. spin a coin

    Synonym: birl spin twirl

5. turn in a twisting or spinning motion

    e.g. The leaves swirled in the autumn wind

    Synonym: twirl swirl twiddle