
whisky [ˈwɪski]  [ˈhwɪski, ˈwɪs-] 


whisky 基本解释



whisky 情景对话



A:Anything to declare?

B:No, nothing.

A:What’s this? Open this box, please.

B:Souvenir for my wife.

A:Is liquor or cigarette here?

B:One bottle of whisky and cigarette one carton. Is it taxable?

A:No. It’s OK.

whisky 网络解释


1. 威士忌:重庆九飞扬国际调酒咖啡培训基地 简要说明:欧,美,港台和中式各种鸡尾酒,如:白兰地(Brandy),威士忌-(Whisky),朗姆(Rum),金酒(GIN),伏特加(Vodka),特其拉(Tequila)等世界各国的酒品介绍,各国的饮酒习俗,

2. 威士忌酒:(1) 威士忌酒(Whisky) 威士忌是以大麦、黑麦、玉米等为原料,经过发酵蒸馏后放入木制的酒桶中陈化而酿成的一种最具代表性的蒸馏酒. 市场的销售量很大. 威士忌酒的产地很广,制造方法也不完全相同,主要品种有: 1)苏格兰威士忌(Scotch Whiskey).

3. 威士忌类:2、威士忌类(Whisky):威士忌主要产自于英国的苏格兰(Scotch),它是一种用谷物为原料酿造经过二次蒸馏,存入雪梨木桶经三年以上时间窖藏而成的烈性酒. 苏格兰威士忌是一种混合酒,它是通过当地的不同酒庄生产出来的威士忌经兑酒师勾兑而成.

4. 威士卡:一部分普通话中的音译形式在粤语中继续使用,如坦克(tank )、咖啡( coffee )、摩登(modern )、威士卡(whisky)等,但是粤人在日常交流时更多地使用英语辞汇在本方言中的音译形式,尽管汉语普通话中已有该词的表达形式.

whisky 词典解释

1. (尤指产于苏格兰、由大麦或黑麦酿制的)威士忌酒
    Whisky is a strong alcoholic drink made, especially in Scotland, from grain such as barley or rye.

    e.g. ...a bottle of whisky.
    e.g. ...expensive whiskies and brandies.

whisky 单语例句

1. But for whisky sommelier Stephen Notman, that's not the case.

2. Instead, someone had broken into the cart to steal the PM's cache of whisky.

3. whisky

3. The mainland's biggest whisky carnival is back in Shanghai this weekend and showcases the largest collection of deluxe blends and single malts in China.

4. Well this event is a chance to learn about it as you sip on a fine whisky.

5. whisky的解释

5. It now has worldwide reputation and is listed as a top distillate spirit standing along side Scotch whisky and French Cognac.

6. It has a worldwide reputation and is listed as a top distillate spirit alongside Scotch whisky and French cognac.

7. An auction spokesman said the sale came despite the bottle's cork dropping into the whisky itself.

8. Though the crate was frozen solid when it was retrieved earlier this year, the whisky inside could be heard sloshing around in the bottles.

9. To display how their clients'brand had been damaged by the newspaper's claims, they also showed screen shots of online discussions about the whisky.

10. A barrel of whisky at a distillery is seen in this undated file photo.

whisky 英英释义


1. a liquor made from fermented mash of grain

    Synonym: whiskey