white bear

white bear [hwait bɛə]  [hwaɪt bɛr] 

white bear 基本解释
white bear 网络解释

1. 白熊:骑警6月间也在利斋拿东南的白熊(White Bear)保留区开枪杀死21岁男子,沙斯卡川印第安部落联盟酋长约瑟夫(Lawrence Joseph)因此指责骑警行事剽悍,他预备在周四召开记者会,评论清水河沙丘部落事件.

2. 北极熊:Ⅱ. White白色 | white bear 北极熊 | white day 黄道吉日

3. 老人:white gas 无铅汽油 | white-bear 老人 | white magic 戏法,魔术

4. 白熊; 北极熊:white ant 白蚁 | white bear 白熊; 北极熊 | white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡

white bear 单语例句

1. white bear的意思

1. At Bear Hill, you can find black bears and white bears.

2. One group thinks they should keep their skin bronzed and can't bear to see their skin become white again.