white house

white house [hwait haus]  [hwaɪt haʊs] 

white house 基本解释


white house 网络解释

white house的解释

1. 美国"白宫:美 国白宫(White House)发言人Robert Gibbs周二表示,对奥巴马(Obama)政府而言,在私有医疗保险市场引入政府作为竞争对手是一种较理想的方案,奥巴马政府正在推动针对美国医疗保险业的大规模改革.

white house 词典解释

1. 白宫(位于华盛顿特区的美国总统府邸,也指美国总统及其官员);
    The White House is the official home in Washington DC of the President of the United States. You can also use the White House to refer to the President of the United States and his or her officials.

    e.g. He drove to the White House...
    e.g. The White House has not participated in any talks.

white house 单语例句

1. Clinton declined to discuss her father's relationship with the White House intern, drawing applause when she told the young man that it was none of his business.

2. The question of how to present bin Laden's death to the world is a difficult balancing act for the White House.

3. Alongside the White House and congressional races, a full roster of propositions and local offices kept voters busy nationwide.

4. White House press secretary Dana Perino says Bush is acting now in hopes of spurring Congress to act.

5. The White House is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act or FOIA, so the law wouldn't apply if the images are controlled there.

6. " The United States condemns this act of terrorism, " White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.

7. white house

7. They also say it may be a move by the White House to pass through the Congress its personnel appointment.

8. Snow's comment caught White House colleagues by surprise, and they said they could not hazard a guess about when he might leave.

9. The White House should know by now that it has to collaborate with the emerging economies of East Asia to revive the American economy.

10. white house的翻译

10. The evidence that she is after her husband's old White House job grows stronger by the day.

white house 英英释义


1. white house

1. the government building that serves as the residence and office of the President of the United States

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. the chief executive department of the United States government

    Synonym: EXEC