
who [hu:]  [hu] 

who 基本解释


代词谁; 什么人; 关系代词,有先行词; 孰

who 相关例句



1. George, who lives in Scotland, came late.

2. The man who lives in that house is my uncle.

3. Who is that man?


1. That's the man who came to our house yesterday.

2. My cousin, who is a painter, is in Japan at present.

3. I went to the movies with Mary, who I think you once met.

4. Who breaks pays.

5. Whom did you see?

who 情景对话


A:Who do I call for (trash/ garbage/ refuse) collection?

B:Just leave the stuff on the curb.


A:Who will meet you at the air port?

B:No one.

A:Oh, than I will arrange one of my staff to meet you at the airport.

Get under one’s skin-(保全自己)

A:Never trust your secrets to Bob.

B:I think he’s kind and honest.

A:He’s the kind of person who do anything to save his own skin.

B:I don’t agree with you.

who 网络解释


1. who:world heath organization; 世界卫生组织

2. who:word health organization; 年世界卫生组织

3. who:world health organizetion; 根据世界卫生组织

4. who:wold health organization; 根据世界卫生组娥

who 词典解释
Who is used as the subject or object of a verb. See entries at whom and whose.
who用作动词的主语或宾语。见词条whom, whose。
Usually pronounced /huː/ for meanings 2 and 3. 义项2和3在句中通常不作重读。

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. (用于疑问句,询问人的姓名或身份)谁
    You use who in questions when you ask about the name or identity of a person or group of people.

    e.g. Who's there?...
    e.g. Who is the least popular man around here?...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. (尤用在动词和形容词后引导从句,说明人的身份)谁
    You use who after certain words, especially verbs and adjectives, to introduce a clause where you talk about the identity of a person or a group of people.

    e.g. Police have not been able to find out who was responsible for the forgeries...
    e.g. I went over to start up a conversation, asking her who she knew at the party...

3. (用于进行限定说明或提供更多信息的关系从句的句首)
    You use who at the beginning of a relative clause when specifying the person or group of people you are talking about or when giving more information about them.

    e.g. There are those who eat out for a special occasion, or treat themselves...
    e.g. The woman, who needs constant attention, is cared for by relatives...

Who is now commonly used where previously it was only to be considered to be correct to use whom. Who, however, cannot be used directly after a preposition, for example, you cannot say '...the woman to who I spoke'. Instead you can say '...the woman to whom I spoke' or '...the woman I spoke to'. There are some types of sentence in which who cannot be used, for example when you are talking about quantities. ...twenty masked prisoners, many of whom are armed with makeshift weapons.
许多先前只能使用 whom 的地方现在也经常使用 who,但作为介词的宾语只能用 whom。比如不可以说the woman to who I spoke,而说 the woman to whom I spoke 或 the woman I spoke to 。此外还有些情形下不能使用 who,比如在指数量时:twenty masked prisoners, many of whom are armed with makeshift weapons (20个蒙面犯人,其中许多用的是临时凑合的武器)。
who 单语例句

1. Compared with a group who had played a nonviolent video game, those who had played " Mortal Kombat " were more aggressive across the board.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. I might be the most stupid businessman who will guard the feminine hygiene business to the end.

3. And those who share expenses for using a single car are penalized for engaging in an illegal passenger transport business.

4. Other analysts said Guangzhou may not be able to attract enough business passengers, who form the most lucrative market segment.

5. Even those who speak Korean are language majors with little business or technological background.

6. who的翻译

6. Zhou said the woman spoke fluent Japanese language and was almost the same age as her husband who said he was in business.

7. Those who engage in commercial insurance business must be insurance companies established in accordance with this Law.

8. A wealthy Shanxi man who runs a successful coal business has invested in two apartments at once.

9. who的意思

9. The man surnamed Tao who is in the timber business and has been earning more this year.

10. Qiang Lei from the Beijing Business Management College was one who opposed any price hike.

who 英英释义


1. who的翻译

1. a United Nations agency to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services

    Synonym: World Health Organization