1. 推理小说:版友arrol在推理小说(whodunit)版活动期间,表现良好,符合版主要求,现任命arrol担任推理小说版主. 希望arrol上任后,继续努力,热心版务,建设精品版面.
2. 擒凶片:western 西部片 | whodunit 擒凶片 | archetype 原型
3. 侦探小说:whoa 惊叹声 | whodunit 侦探小说 | whoever 任何人
4. <惊险小说>:24、ThereWasanOldWoman<<有一个老妇>> | 25、Whodunit<<惊险小说>> | 26、HelpWanted<<帮助通缉>>
1. A detective writer strives to show the changing social realities of the times in his whodunit storylines.
1. a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie
Synonym: mystery mystery story