
wholesale [ˈhəʊlseɪl]  [ˈhoʊlseɪl] 







wholesale 基本解释

名词批发; 趸售,大规模买卖

形容词大规模的; 批发的,整批卖的

副词大量地,大批地; 广泛地,大规模地


不及物动词经营批发业; 批发售出

wholesale 反义词



wholesale 相关词组

1. by wholesale : 以批发方式, 成批地, 大规模地, 无选择地, 全部地;

wholesale 相关例句


1. Their business is wholesale only.


1. They sell refrigerators wholesale.

2. Ed sent out Christmas cards wholesale.


1. Retailers buy at wholesale.

wholesale 网络解释


1. 批发商:要买便宜货,畅货店(outlets)不失为一个好选择;要更好价钱,当然是到批发商(wholesale)处买. 不过,批发商必需一次过买一大批货品才有交易,所以,为了满足自己和广大读者,我试过的好东西,就会去找批发商或厂商搅共购,用读者的人数去换个好价钱,

2. 批发业:受汽车、建筑材料、机械、电子设备所造成沉重拖累,一月份本国批发业(Wholesale)萎缩3.4%;建筑业产出则下降3%,无论是民用、商用、工用建筑量都相应减少;其他方面:金融保险、交通运输、矿业产出量也出现不同程度的收缩.

3. 批发的;批发地:18.trendy 时髦的;流行的 | 20.wholesale 批发的;批发地 | 购物 shopping (2)

wholesale 词典解释

1. wholesale

1. 批发;趸售
    Wholesale is the activity of buying and selling goods in large quantities and therefore at cheaper prices, usually to shopkeepers who then sell them to the public.

    e.g. Warehouse clubs allow members to buy goods at wholesale prices...
    e.g. I am in the wholesale trade.

2. wholesale的意思

2. 用批发方式;以批发价
    If something is sold wholesale, it is sold in large quantities and at cheaper prices, usually to shopkeepers.

    e.g. The fabrics are sold wholesale to retailers, fashion houses, and other manufacturers.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 大规模的;大批的
    You use wholesale to describe the destruction, removal, or changing of something when it affects a very large number of things or people.

    e.g. They are only doing what is necessary to prevent wholesale destruction of vegetation...
    e.g. It was wholesale slaughter of women and children.

wholesale 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The pawnbroker said some small business people are pawning private items to raise capital to buy wholesale souvenirs that they sell to tourists.

2. wholesale

2. Over 1000 wholesale and company buyers have been specially invited by the Nanjing municipal government.

3. wholesale的翻译

3. Tan is accused of buying pork at a cost of 12 yuan a kilogram and selling it wholesale as " beef " for the same price.

4. By renovating the building one floor at a time, the architects avoided the social disruption typically caused by wholesale demolition.

5. wholesale的翻译

5. Authorities have also threatened heavy penalties for companies who attempt to profit from a natural disaster by raising wholesale prices.

6. Loans to the manufacturing sector accounted for 40 percent of the soured loans, followed by loans to the wholesale and retail sector.

7. wholesale在线翻译

7. By offering customers flowers at wholesale price, it attracts many local residents.

8. wholesale是什么意思

8. Ceiling retail prices of diesel and gasoline are set by the NDRC, but the wholesale prices are decided by oil companies Sinopec and PetroChina themselves.

9. wholesale

9. Entrepreneurs in the IT and software businesses were the most confident, followed by those from the retail and wholesale trade as well as the construction sector.

10. wholesale在线翻译

10. By that we mean the call for wholesale Westernization, which would lead not to socialism but to capitalism.

wholesale 英英释义



1. the selling of goods to merchants
    usually in large quantities for resale to consumers


1. sell in large quantities


1. ignoring distinctions

    e.g. sweeping generalizations
           wholesale destruction

    Synonym: sweeping


1. on a large scale without careful discrimination

    e.g. I buy food wholesale

    Synonym: in large quantities

2. at a wholesale price

    e.g. I can sell it to you wholesale