
wickedness ['wɪkɪdnəs]  [ ˈwɪkɪdnɪs] 

wickedness 基本解释
wickedness 网络解释


1. 恶:1.起初,恶(wickedness)并不存在. 就是现在,在那些圣洁的人中也不存在恶. 恶更不是他们的本性,而是人后来设计出来的,精心制作出来让它来伤害他们自己. 他们还如法炮制地设计出偶像,把根本不存在的东西当作存在的来对待. 2.神,

2. 不道德吗:Abed in daylight,what luxury.|大白天的能在床上躺着,多奢侈啊 | Wickedness.|不道德吗? | Father!That dwarf is asking for you.|父亲,那个侏儒来找你

3. 邪恶, 不道德:obsolete 过时的 | wickedness 邪恶, 不道德 | incarnate 化身的

wickedness 英英释义



1. morally objectionable behavior

    Synonym: evil immorality iniquity

2. the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions

    e.g. the vileness of his language surprised us

    Synonym: loathsomeness repulsiveness sliminess vileness lousiness

3. estrangement from god

    Synonym: sin sinfulness

4. the quality of being wicked

    Synonym: nefariousness vileness ugliness

5. wickedness的近义词

5. absence of moral or spiritual values

    e.g. the powers of darkness

    Synonym: iniquity darkness dark