wide boy

wide boy

wide boy 双语例句

1. Our hope is a boy's mother, I also fondle admiringly ward is proud to say to me: beautiful baby, skin white, eyes wide, special double-fold eyelid, than the somebody else is the baby is beautiful.

2. His thickset torso was supported by short sturdy legs, always incased in the finest leather boots procurable and always planted wide apart like a swaggering small boy's.

3. Therefore, here in Chongqing we have Guo Feng, a magician who tries to make the Liberation Monument disappear, as well as Harry Poter in London, a boy enchanter attracting the whole world.
    这里原句可以分成两句。当然,译文中还有很多细节上的问题,如 gestating the magic people ;还有,什么是 magic wide man ,这不是魔术狂人吧;连名字 Guofeng 都写错了就更不应该了。

4. The ground was covered with blood, and the boy's eyes were opened wide, strained and disbelieving in his sudden oblivion.

5. The little boy looked at his mother wide-eyed and said, Wow!

6. The little boy booked at his mother wide-eyed and said:Wow!

7. The only official school-wide overnight event in my boy's middle school is the graduation trip to see the historic sites in the East Coast and Washington DC. All of his other travels are associated with boy scouting and music-related events. Okay, his old man takes him to different places as often as time and finance allow.

wide boy的反义词

8. The boy had facial dysmorphism including prominent wide forehead, short bilateral palpebral fissures, broad nasal bridge, low set and malformed ears, digitalization of thumbs, and small testes.

9. Failing to find work in New York city, the 17-year-old boy went on to Philadelphia where he found a job as a printer`s apprentice and soon had a wide circle of friends.

10. Failing to find work in New York City, the 17-year-old boy went on to Philadelphia where he found a job as a printer`s apprentice and soon had a wide circle of friends.

11. Property developers are simply wide-boy parasites hell-bent on Empire building-the same way some civilisations have been brought down!

12. 'Conjuror Fall, t'other side of Casterbridge that they used to call " Wide-O ", was a very good man when I was a boy, 'said Jonathan Kail.

13. He was a very spirited, sentimental energetic boy of wide interests and talent.

wide boy的意思

14. While the boy and his father were watching wide-eyed, an old lady in a wheelchair rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button.

wide boy在线翻译

15. I'd steer clear of that wide boy if you're serious about finding a business partner.

16. Tyrion craned his head to one side, and saw a boy standing on the roof of a low wooden building, waving a wide-brimmed straw hat.

wide boy是什么意思

17. Failing to find work in New York city, the17-year-old boy went on to Philadelphia where he found a job as a printer's apprentice and soon had a wide circle of friends.

wide boy的反义词

18. The boy looked at the intruder, his eves wide with fear.


19. 'Conjuror Fall, t'other side of Casterbridge that they used to call " Wide-O ", was a very good man when I was a boy,'said Jonathan Kail.