
wiggle [ˈwɪgl]  [ˈwɪɡəl] 







wiggle 基本解释


及物/不及物动词摆动; 扭动


wiggle 相关例句



1. A dog wiggles his tail.


1. The puppies wiggled with delight.

2. The restless child wiggled in his chair.


1. Her toes gave a wiggle.

wiggle 网络解释


1. 扭动:plush:豪华的,绒毛的 | wiggle:扭动 | bodily fluids:体液

2. 快速摆动;扭动;弯曲线;波形:wigglevariablearea波形变面积 | wiggle快速摆动;扭动;弯曲线;波形 | wiggle-springcasinghook螺旋弹簧提引钩

3. 踌躇:wigging 责备 | wiggle 踌躇 | wiggler 摇摆的人

wiggle 词典解释

1. (使)扭动;(使)摆动
    If you wiggle something or if it wiggles, it moves up and down or from side to side in small quick movements.

    e.g. She wiggled her finger...
    e.g. His ears wiggled if you scratched his chin...

wiggle 单语例句

1. It was the umpteenth time they had used the schizophrenic approach to wiggle out of the war crime issue by mouthing regrets while acting otherwise.

2. Rate cuts tend to drive up inflation, but falling prices have given the Federal Reserve more wiggle room to lower interest rates.

3. And people are pretty good at figuring out, how do I wiggle the radiator in or slip the hose on?

4. " It allowed a little more wiggle room, " mused one diplomat.

5. But Google has left itself some wiggle room, saying it could price the IPO lower to get a wider distribution of shares.

6. Increasing regulation of the industry by the government will leave little wiggle room for small players who currently operate in the " gray " areas.

7. And not only does the list grow longer every year but the wiggle room gets tighter.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. To fight DVT, airlines often encourage passengers to walk the aisles and wiggle their feet.

9. With the Europeans determined to leave the Iranians little wiggle room, disputes also focused on more minor details.

10. wiggle的近义词

10. When she saw the lamps starting to wiggle back and forth, old memories of the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake popped up in her mind.

wiggle 英英释义


1. wiggle是什么意思

1. the act of wiggling

    Synonym: wriggle squirm


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. move to and fro

    e.g. Don't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!

    Synonym: jiggle joggle