
wilful [ˈwɪlfl]  [ˈwɪlfəl] 

wilful 基本解释

形容词(指坏事)故意的; (指人)任性的,固执的

wilful 网络解释


1. 任性的:wilful misconduct 故意行为 | wilful 任性的 | willemite 硅锌矿

2. 故意的:wile 诡计 | wilful 故意的 | wilily 诡诈地

3. 存心的:wilfordine 雷公藤碱 | wilful 存心的 | wilkeite 硅硫磷灰石

4. 任性的/固执的/故意的/存心的:wilfordine /雷公藤碱/ | wilful /任性的/固执的/故意的/存心的/ | wilfully /任意/

wilful 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 willful

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 故意的,有意的,成心的(尤指意在造成伤害)
    If you describe actions or attitudes as wilful, you are critical of them because they are done or expressed deliberately, especially with the intention of causing someone harm.

    e.g. Wilful neglect of our manufacturing industry has caused this problem...
    e.g. A jury found the airline guilty of wilful misconduct because its lax security allowed a suitcase bomb on to the plane.

There were claims that the Front has wilfully perverted democracy...
West was wilfully blind to the abuse that took place.

2. 任性的;一意孤行的
    If you describe someone as wilful, you mean that they are determined to do what they want to do, even if it is not sensible.

    e.g. ...as the beautiful Lara becomes ever more wilful and irresponsible.

I refuse to stand by and see the company allowed to run aground because of one woman's wilfulness.
wilful 单语例句

1. wilful的反义词

1. It is not in itself a wilful force that can act on its own.

2. wilful

2. The court ruled that Wu committed wilful murder by helping another man end his life.

3. Lam is the only daughter of her parents and reportedly wilful in nature.

wilful 英英释义



1. habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition

    Synonym: froward headstrong self-willed willful

2. wilful的翻译

2. done by design

    e.g. the insult was intentional
           willful disobedience

    Synonym: willful