
willy ['wɪlɪ]  ['wɪlɪ] 


willy 基本解释
willy 网络解释


1. 维利:关于这部小说,有一段署名公案:科莱特嫁给了混在巴黎的记者兼作家亨利.戈蒂埃-维拉尔,绰号维利(Willy),比她大14岁. 维利社交能力很强,将科莱特从外省引入巴黎文艺圈,结识了普鲁斯特、德彪西等名流,但名声在外的这个花花公子却耐不住写字的苦,

2. 威利/维利:William威廉 | Willy威利/维利 | Zack扎克

3. 陳自強:William 蘇永康/孔慶翔 | Willy 陳自強 | Wilpan 潘瑋柏

willy 单语例句

1. She doesn't know how far afield Willy goes to find a glove, but she has learned it takes him two trips to bring home a matched pair.

2. The Oregon aquarium was the home of Keiko, the killer whale that starred in the 1993 film " Free Willy ".

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3. That same amount paid for a year of care in Norway, according to the Free Willy Foundation in San Francisco.

4. Despite his criminal nature, neighbors get a kick out of Willy.

5. Willy has brought home nine pairs of gloves and five singles over several weeks laying them on his owners'front or back porches.

6. Following the August world premiere of modern dance pioneer Willy Tsao's piece in Los Angeles, the Chinese debut was similarly warmly received.

7. willy的翻译

7. Willy also likes to climb trees and bat at the heads of people below.

8. Willy couldn't care less about the gloves after they're captured.

9. willy的意思

9. Jacobs'estate also claims that many other ideas from Willy the Wizard were copied into the Harry Potter books.

10. willy在线翻译

10. Hong Kong dancer Willy Tsao's first performance on the mainland was an event he will never forget.