
wisteria [wɪˈstɪəriə]  [wɪˈstɪriə] 

wisteria 基本解释
wisteria 网络解释


1. 紫藤:玫瑰(最畅销的EvelynRose沐浴露、润肤乳,及Rosewater护手霜)、栀子(Gardenia)散发迷人香艳;铃兰(LilyoftheValley)、小苍兰(Freesia)、紫藤(Wisteria)则清丽非常;薰衣草(Lavender)脂粉味较明显;园丁系列(Gardeners)主攻强效滋润;

2. 紫藤属:作观赏用的种类甚多,著名的如紫藤属(Wisteria),落叶攀缘灌木,奇数羽状复叶. 总状花序很长,下垂,有蓝紫、红紫或白色等花色变化. 南方常见的有紫藤[W. sinensis (Sims)Sweet]、多花紫藤[W. floribunda(Willd.)DC.],广为庭院栽培,

3. 柴藤:anemone 银莲花 | wisteria 柴藤 | redbud 紫荆

4. 柴藤路:Pivet 女贞路 | Wisteria 柴藤路 | Magnolia Cr 木兰巷

wisteria 单语例句

1. It is a detailed depiction of the palace gardens complete with lilacs and trailing purple wisteria.

2. Sunday's finale weaved in flashbacks to when everyone moved to Wisteria Lane, enabling viewers to see the character of Mary Alice.

3. The ladies of Wisteria Lane helped give ABC the nightly victory Sunday, though " Desperate Housewives " was down significantly from its monster Season 2 premiere last fall.

4. The walls feature Chinese wisteria and green leaves giving the audience the feeling they are sitting beneath trellises.

5. The ABC drama picks up the story in Sunday's episode, with Edie mourned by her Wisteria Lane neighbors.

6. Visitors are first greeted by the elegant wisteria outside a surprisingly well - kept Qing dynasty courtyard.

7. Bamboo, pine trees and wisteria add a traditional touch to the modern architecture.

8. The temple is also famed for its surrounding forests of bamboo, gingkoes and wisteria.

9. Su is noted for his vivid and poetic depiction of lotus flowers and Chinese wisteria.

wisteria 英英释义



1. any flowering vine of the genus Wisteria

    Synonym: wistaria