with anger

with anger

with anger 单语例句

1. The company has frequently caused anger by graphic sexual displays in its advertising, including showing Father Christmas in sadomasochistic poses with his elves.

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2. NBC News said anger about Imus among some of its employees had as much to do with ending the MSNBC simulcast as the advertiser defection.

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3. The bad weather didn't appear to affect the mood of the marchers, many of whom were dressed in red to symbolize their anger with Chen's leadership.

4. Various explanations had been given with a view to direct people's anger against nature.

5. And this is not the first time that people disagreeing with a court ruling have resorted to extreme action to express their anger.

6. There's everything wrong with flaunting it before a ball is even bounced in mild anger.

7. with anger的翻译

7. The fierce anger and frustration vented across the information superhighway was excreted with the same rhetorical questions from bewildered fans.

8. A fit of anger or excitement could lead a person with an existing brain vessel problem to have a stroke.

9. with anger的反义词

9. The Internet has become a significant outlet for public anxiety since the accident, with netizens taking to microblogs and message boards to voice their anger and concern.

10. His email box has been swamped by messages echoing his views and his personal blog site has overflowed with posts showing anger and support.