
with [wɪð]  [wɪθ] 

with 基本解释

介词随着; 和,跟; 关于; 和…一致

with 反义词



with 相关例句



1. They smiled with pleasure.

2. I have no money with me.

3. Off with your clothes!

4. She was dying with hunger.

5. The Allied Forces fought with Germany.

with 情景对话


A:I sympathize with you.

B:Thank you for your concern.


A:I want the one with the highest (interest rate/ returns/ rate).



A:You can’t do that here.

B:What’s wrong with (drinking/ smoking/ eating) here?

with 网络解释

1. 带着:-->比如我写信给我女朋友,我在写这封信时,我的心里是充满著爱的(连中文都把爱当成一种像水一样的实质的东西,居然还可以充在心里头!),然后我是带著(with)这充满爱(love)的心情(-->with love)写这封信的.

with 词典解释
Pronounced /'wɪð/ for meanings 20 and 21. 义项20和21在句中作重读。
In addition to the uses shown below, with is used after some verbs, nouns and adjectives in order to introduce extra information. With is also used in most reciprocal verbs, such as 'agree' or 'fight', and in some phrasal verbs, such as 'deal with' and 'dispense with'.
除下列用法外,with 还用于一些动词、名词和形容词后引出附加信息,也用于 agree, fight 之类的相互动词后,及 deal with, dispense with 等短语动词中。

1. with在线翻译

1. (人)与…在一起,同…一道,和,跟
    If one person is with another, they are together in one place.

    e.g. With her were her son and daughter-in-law...
    e.g. She is currently staying with her father at his home.

2. 和…(放在)一起
    If something is put with or is with something else, they are used at the same time.

    e.g. Serve hot, with pasta or rice and French beans...
    e.g. Cookies are just the thing to serve with tall glasses of real lemonade.

3. 与…一起(做或参与某事)
    If you do something with someone else, you both do it together or are both involved in it.

    e.g. Parents will be able to discuss their child's progress with their teacher...
    e.g. He walked with her to the front door.

4. 和,与,同(…打斗、争论或竞争)
    If you fight, argue, or compete with someone, you oppose them.

    e.g. About a thousand students fought with riot police in the capital...
    e.g. He was in an argument with his landlord downstairs.

5. with

5. 用,使用(某种工具、物品或材料)
    If you do something with a particular tool, object, or substance, you do it using that tool, object, or substance.

    e.g. Remove the meat with a fork and divide it among four plates...
    e.g. Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy...

6. with

6. 拿着;带着;扛着
    If someone stands or goes somewhere with something, they are carrying it.

    e.g. A man came round with a tray of chocolates...
    e.g. A young woman came in with a cup of coffee.

7. 有,拥有(某种特征或所有物)
    Someone or something with a particular feature or possession has that feature or possession.

    e.g. He was in his early forties, tall and blond with bright blue eyes...
    e.g. Someone with an income of $34,895 can afford this loan.

8. 患(病)
    Someone with an illness has that illness.

    e.g. I spent a week in bed with flu.

9. 由…,用…(填充、覆盖)
      If something is filled or covered with a substance or with things, it has that substance or those things in it or on it.

      e.g. His legs were caked with dried mud...
      e.g. They sat at a Formica table cluttered with dirty tea cups.

10. 对…(怀有某种感情)
      If you are, for example, pleased or annoyed with someone or something, you have that feeling towards them.

      e.g. He was still a little angry with her...
      e.g. After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other...

11. 在…方面, 针对
      You use with to indicate what a state, quality, or action relates to, involves, or affects.

      e.g. Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom...
      e.g. He still has a serious problem with money...

12. 用(某种方式);带着(某种感情)
      You use with when indicating the way that something is done or the feeling that a person has when they do something.

      e.g. ...teaching her to read music with skill and sensitivity...
      e.g. He agreed, but with reluctance.

13. 伴着(声音或手势);带着(表情)
      You use with when indicating a sound or gesture that is made when something is done, or an expression that a person has on their face when they do something.

      e.g. With a sigh, she leant back and closed her eyes...
      e.g. The front door closed with a crash behind him...

14. 由于,因为(某种感情而使某人有某种表现或行为)
      You use with to indicate the feeling that makes someone have a particular appearance or type of behaviour.

      e.g. Gil was white and trembling with anger...
      e.g. I felt sick to my stomach with sadness for them...

15. (表示以某姿势、外表或伴随某事件做某事)与…同时,随着
      You use with when mentioning the position or appearance of a person or thing at the time that they do something, or what someone else is doing at that time.

      e.g. Joanne stood with her hands on the sink, staring out the window...
      e.g. Michelle had fallen asleep with her head against his shoulder...

16. 由于;因为
      You use with to introduce a current situation that is a factor affecting another situation.

      e.g. With all the night school courses available, there is no excuse for not getting some sort of training...
      e.g. With the win, the US reclaimed the cup for the first time since 1985.

17. with是什么意思

17. 同,与,跟(…相比或对照)
      You use with when making a comparison or contrast between the situations of different people or things.

      e.g. We're not like them. It's different with us...
      e.g. Sometimes I'm busy and sometimes I'm not. It's the same with most jobs.

18. 随着,跟着(…的变化而变化)
      If something increases or decreases with a particular factor, it changes as that factor changes.

      e.g. The risk of developing heart disease increases with the number of cigarettes smoked...
      e.g. Blood pressure decreases with exercise.

19. 与(风、水流等)方向一致;顺着…
      If something moves with a wind or current, it moves in the same direction as the wind or current.

      e.g. ...a piece of driftwood carried down with the current...
      e.g. We left him there to float off with the tide, and told him to follow the coast.

20. 理解;明白;懂得
      If someone says that they are with you, they mean that they understand what you are saying.

      e.g. Yes, I know who you mean. Yes, now I'm with you...
      e.g. I'm not with you. Tell me what you mean.

21. with的解释

21. 赞成;支持
      If someone says that they are with you, they mean that they support or approve of what you are doing.

      e.g. 'I'm with you all the way.' — 'Thank you.'

with 单语例句

1. with

1. A media war on waste is being launched in Beijing with the help of the general public.

2. Business is now sometimes done with private Chinese oil companies instead of the China Oil Ministry.

3. He sold his slice of the sex business years ago, and says he's done with it for good.

4. While Li said he had not had contact with Wu in the past, police discovered they had done business together when Wu operated a television media company.

5. Compared with a group who had played a nonviolent video game, those who had played " Mortal Kombat " were more aggressive across the board.

6. The yearbook evaluated 58 key countries on economic and corruption indicators, government and business efficiency along with infrastructure and exports.

7. The employment promotion fund should be used with better efficiency, says an article in China Business Times.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. An experienced business English language tutor will help improve your business English speaking and writing skills with private lessons.

9. With English as the language of business in Singapore and the world, it has a predominant role at NUS.

10. As is customary in China, the government agency and the business corporation are actually one entity with two identities.