without book

without book [wiˈðaut buk]  [wɪðˈaʊt bʊk] 

without book 基本解释

无根据, 凭记忆

without book 单语例句

1. Nowadays it appears impossible to win a track and field title without having a famous comic book character associated with your name.

2. The cover of the book'A Year Without'Made in China, ''is pictured in this undated photograph.

3. Guangming Daily was then sued by Zhou for publishing the book without permission and violating the writer's rights of modification and publication.

4. without book的翻译

4. Two months later Chen read two national newspaper reports that described the book as " perfect, " without even one mistake.

5. He sidled up to her and took a book from a shelf near her, but she didn't notice him and soon walked away without talking to him.

6. without book是什么意思

6. The hardest exercise they gave me was to sit on my bed for an hour without a book or a TV or a magazine.

7. without book的翻译

7. She believes every building is a book without words but with its own symbolic language.

8. It took Qiu some time to convince his publishers to risk publishing a book without a mystery to solve.

9. Guangming Daily's decision to publish the book without permission from Zhou violated the writer's copyright, according to the court.

10. On April 10, the man returned and took her bank book without telling her.