without day

without day [wiˈðaut dei]  [wɪðˈaʊt de] 

without day 基本解释

without day什么意思


without day 网络解释


1. 不定期;无限制(休会):within touch of 在...能到达的地方 | without day 不定期;无限制(休会) | without doubt 无疑地,很可能

2. 无期限地延期:with each passing day 日益地, 一天天地 | without day 无期限地延期 | day about 每隔一天

3. 无期限的:without ceremony 不拘礼节 | without day 无期限的 | without doors 在户外

4. 不按期;无穷造(开会):to a day 一地也不好 | without day 不按期;无穷造(开会) | a good deal 很多,大批;h得多

without day 单语例句

1. without day

1. The phrase'to live day by day'means to manage to survive just for the present without the possibility of planning for the future.

2. " Each day that passes without taking action results in continued overstaffing and inefficiency, " the report from the Defense Contract Audit Agency says.

3. without day在线翻译

3. Earlier in the day 580 thousand homes were without electricity until repairs could be made by late Tuesday.

4. without day

4. Double Ninth Festival - the ninth day of the ninth lunar month in the Chinese calendar - is observed without too much commercialism.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Jean Schulz said her husband would say a cartoonist is someone who draws the same thing day after day without repeating himself.

6. Hardly a day passes without the release of economic information so coincidental relationships are easy to create.

7. without day

7. Furthermore the pay and working conditions of the contract workers were very poor, with many working 12 hours per day for an entire month without time off.

8. Japanese women are fed up with a longstanding Valentine's Day custom requiring them to give chocolates to men without getting any in return.

9. The workers were forced to work about 16 hours a day without payment.

10. The word came just a day after the family said in court documents it believed the entertainer had died without a valid will.