without result

without result

without result 单语例句

1. without result的反义词

1. The result was a more thorough understanding of what was underground without doing any actual digging.

2. That means that taking a chance and having sex without using contraception could be more likely to result in unwanted pregnancies than previously thought.

3. Powell insisted there was still time to correct the result without violence.

4. India's variety of mangoes tempts travelers, but severe diarrhea could be the result of indulging without caution.

5. The case could result in misdemeanor charges of improper killing and disposal of an animal and selling a shark without a license.

6. By adding new runways without a correspondent increase in the use of air space would not result in any significant increase in flights.

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7. The system that allowed subscribers to use mobile phone services without furnishing their identity was the result of the operators'lust for profit.

8. without result

8. " We will not let the case pass without a result, " said Mao.

9. The application of a globally prevalent building design without proper understanding of the local culture and history will result in failure.

10. without result的解释

10. As a result, products of inferior quality can always find their way to consumers without manufacturers'being punished.