
wolf [wʊlf]  [wʊlf] 







wolf 基本解释

名词狼; 贪婪的人; 有害的幼虫


wolf 相关词组


1. keep the wolf from the door : 勉强度日;

2. cry wolf : 发假警报;

wolf 相关例句


1. He wolfed his supper and went out.

2. He wolfed (down) a good meal.


1. Wolves kill sheep and sometimes even attack men.

wolf 网络解释


1. (妖之恋):)就获奥斯卡最佳导演提名;次年更以<<毕业生>>(The Graduate)荣膺第40届奥斯卡最佳导演奖;其后他还以<<施活的遭遇>>(Silkwood)、<<打工女郎>>(Working Girl)、<<妖之恋>>(Wolf)等佳片继续扬威影坛.

2. 狼人生死恋:索尼本周继续兑现他们此前公布的庞大旧片蓝光碟发布计划,10月6日,<<狼人生死恋>>(Wolf)和<<科学怪人之再生情缘>>(Mary Shelley's Frankenstein)将登陆蓝光平台,10月13日,<<魔女游戏>>(The Craft)也将推出蓝光碟.

wolf 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

    A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog.

2. 狼吞虎咽地吃
    If someone wolfs their food, they eat it all very quickly and greedily.

    e.g. I was back in the changing room wolfing tea and sandwiches.

3. wolf是什么意思

3. 喊“狼来了”;发假警报
    If someone cries wolf, they say that there is a problem when there is not, with the result that people do not believe them when there really is a problem.

4. 勉强度日;糊口
    If you keep the wolf from the door, you succeed in providing food and other necessary things for yourself or your family.

    e.g. A lot of the lads took small jobs to help keep the wolf from the door.

相关词组:wolf down

wolf 单语例句

1. The " Wolf Clause " was a result of compromise made by Obama to Republicans to avoid possible bankruptcy of the US government.

2. Like the Mongolian herdsmen in the book who call the wolf their teacher, modern business executives say the animal's hunting technique is very instructive.

3. State officials blamed this year's increased hunting in part on heavy snow, which kept wolf packs at lower elevations where sheep and cattle range.

4. Wolf also pointed to the management of the consequences of China's " simply staggering " investment ratio as a big challenge for China.

5. The Chinese art market is the latest one to have joined the domestic chorus crying wolf about hot money.

6. Executive producer Dick Wolf said its clutch of nominations was a validation of a very difficult project.

7. The suicide bombing targeted the headquarters of the Wolf Brigade, a commando force dominated by Shiite Muslims.

8. Among the forces is a Snow Wolf Commando Unit, an elite police squad established in 2002.

9. Writer and policy consultant Naomi Wolf believes that the role is inherently about duty not to one's significant other but to one's country.

10. wolf的解释

10. Abe is unlikely to adopt the lone wolf crusader image that Koizumi cultivated to battle the vested interests of politicians.

wolf 英英释义


1. any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of North America and Eurasia that usually hunt in packs

2. wolf

2. a cruelly rapacious person

    Synonym: beast savage brute wildcat

3. a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women

    Synonym: woman chaser skirt chaser masher


1. eat hastily

    e.g. The teenager wolfed down the pizza

    Synonym: wolf down