
woman [ˈwʊmən]  [ˈwʊmən] 


woman 基本解释

名词女人,妇女; 成年女子; 女拥人或女下属; 女人本能

woman 同义词

名词lady female matron

woman 反义词


woman 情景对话


A:Hey, Olaf, is this a picture of you?

B:That’s a good guess, but actually that’s my brother.

A:But, he looks just like you!

B:Maybe that’s because we’re twins!

A:I see. Who else is in the picture?

B:The person to my twin brother’s left is his wife, Susan.

A:Do they have any children?

B:They just have one son named David. He’s the little one over there wearing the red sweater.

A:Oh, he’s very cute. Who is the woman next to Susan?

B:That’s my older sister, Frederique.

A:Is she married?

B:No, but she’s been dating the same guy for five years. He’s the guy with the glasses behind her.

A:He’s cute. What about your parents? Are they in the picture, too?

B:No, the older couple in the picture is my aunt Mary and my uncle Joseph.

A:Why aren’t you in that picture?

B:I was taking it!


A:I’ve got good news for you!

B:Yes, what is it?

A:I’m going to set you up on a blind date!

B:Oh, I don’t know about that. Blind dates can be awful.

A:Have you ever been on one?


A:Well, then, why don’t you just give it a try?

B:Ok, what does she look like?

A:Well, she’s got a lovely figure.

B:Is she overweight?

A:No, she’s actually quite slim. She has curly brown hair and green eyes..

B:What did you tell her about me?

A:I told her that you were tall and well-built.

B:Did you tell her that I’m bald?

A:No, but she won’t care. Some women find bald men attractive, you know.

B:Hmm, she sounds alright.

A:Just one thing. When you meet her, I think you should try to look a little less scruffy. Maybe you could shave your beard and put on a nice suit.

B:No, I think I’ll go looking like myself. If she doesn’t like who I am, then she’s not the right woman for me!

A:Suit yourself! Here’s her number.

woman 词典解释

1. 成年女子;妇女
    A woman is an adult female human being.

    e.g. ...a young Lithuanian woman named Dayva.
    e.g. ...men and women over 75 years old.

2. woman

2. (泛指)女性,女子
    You can refer to women in general as woman .

    e.g. ...the oppression of woman.

3. 爱好…的女人;喜欢做…的女子
    If you say that a woman is, for example, a gambling woman or an outdoors woman, you mean that she likes gambling or outdoor activities.

    e.g. She is an avid outdoors woman...
    e.g. I'm too old to have a dog now. I'm a cat woman.

4. 来自…的女人;在…上大学的女子
    If you say that a woman is, for example, a London woman or an Oxford woman, you mean that she comes from London or Oxford, or went to university there.

    e.g. ...a 38-year-old London woman...
    e.g. The headmistress was an Oxford woman.

5. 妻子;情人;女友
    Some people refer to a man's wife, lover, or girlfriend as his woman .

    e.g. I know my woman will never leave me.

6. (公司或组织的)女代表,女代理人
    You can refer to a female representative of a company or organization as that company or organization's woman .

    e.g. Yet another successful Labour woman took her seat...
    e.g. That's Judith Croft, the CND woman.
           那个就是朱迪丝·克罗夫特, 核裁军运动女代表。

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. (命令性的或生气、不耐烦时的称呼)婆娘,娘儿们
    People sometimes address a woman as woman when they are ordering her to do something or when they are angry or impatient with her. This use could cause offence.

    e.g. Do you realize, woman, the scandal and publicity that will be involved?

8. see also: career woman

9. 独立自主;做独立女性
    If you say that a woman is her own woman, you approve of the fact that she makes her plans and decisions herself, and does not depend on other people.

    e.g. She knew she had made the right decision. She was her own woman again.

10. woman of the world -> see world

woman 单语例句

1. Zhou said the woman spoke fluent Japanese language and was almost the same age as her husband who said he was in business.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. It's about a wealthy young woman named Charlotte whose stockbroker father is busted for embezzling millions from his clients.

3. WHO originally reported the results last week but then recalled them, saying they had in fact tested a different woman.

4. But what is a guy to do when he gets beaten by a woman?

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. His tale of a butterfly collector who kidnaps a woman in London was made into a film starring Terence Stamp two years later.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. Congress that it must repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

7. woman的翻译

7. But he really wanted the money to buy gifts for the woman.

8. But the woman disappeared with the money she took to buy household appliances for their marital home.

9. An elderly woman said she would not continue to buy medicines in a shop caught selling fake drugs.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. The boy's father discovered that the card had been used after the old woman's death when he tried to buy more credit on the card.

woman 英英释义


1. women as a class

    e.g. it's an insult to American womanhood
           woman is the glory of creation
           the fair sex gathered on the veranda

    Synonym: womanhood fair sex

2. a human female employed to do housework

    e.g. the char will clean the carpet
           I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write

    Synonym: charwoman char cleaning woman cleaning lady

3. an adult female person (as opposed to a man)

    e.g. the woman kept house while the man hunted

    Synonym: adult female

4. a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man

    e.g. he was faithful to his woman