word family

word family [wə:d ˈfæmili]  [wɚd ˈfæməli] 

word family 基本解释


word family 网络解释

1. 字族:教师可用康轩字母磁铁教拼读,从基本的字族(word family)介绍 CVC (子音+短母音+子音)组合字. 字族(word family)是一种拼字类型(spelling pattern),如此学生学习的是有系统的字,并同时记得有意义的单字,如教 -at字族同时亦可学得 cat,

2. 詞族;詞群:family of words 詞族 | word family 詞族;詞群 | word sign 詞符

3. 语汇家族:alphabetically 按字母顺序的 | word family 语汇家族 | pronunciation 发音

4. 词族小天地:名师讲堂 Teachers' Guidance | 词族小天地 Word Family | 轻松一刻 Fun Time

word family 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The word came just a day after the family said in court documents it believed the entertainer had died without a valid will.

2. Most of his words sounded familiar but I had to try as hard as I could to decide which linguistic family each word belonged to.

3. " So'school'was a luxury and a sensitive word in my family, " Zhang recalled.

4. But in all segments, the most influential consideration is negative word of mouth from family and friends.

5. The trademark Lafite Family used by the defendants is mainly identified by the word " Lafite, " which is likely to cause confusion and misunderstanding to the public.

6. This word comes as the nation's new first family continues to mull its choice of a dog for the White House.

7. I can try to set things up for my family and pass the word to kids and older adults.

8. Buckingham Palace park - the word garden is a huge understatement - is normally open only to members of the royal family and their guests.

9. There was also no word from the Jackson family on funeral plans.

10. Wang has not had word of gratitude or comfort for Tang's family, making them very angry.