
wording [ˈwɜ:dɪŋ]  [ˈwɜ:rdɪŋ] 







wording 基本解释



wording 相关例句



1. Careful wording aids clearness.

wording 网络解释

1. 用语:wooden block木块 | wording用语 | work scissor工作剪

2. 措词:wordily 唠叨地 | wording 措词 | wordplay 文字的争论

3. 措辞;用语:stranding 搁浅 | wording 措辞;用语 | explosion 爆炸

wording 词典解释

1. wording的翻译

1. 措辞;用词
    The wording of a piece of writing or a speech are the words used in it, especially when these are chosen to have a particular effect.

    e.g. The two sides failed to agree on the wording of a final report...
    e.g. The wording is so vague that no one actually knows what it means.

wording 单语例句

1. In a piece of rare wording, the central bank said it will further its exchange rate policy to rebalance the economy.

2. Such wording is unprecedented and may likely be followed by modifications in the Party's way of thinking and code of conduct.

3. The wording of negotiation principles is concise and should be acceptable to all.

4. This could include informal communication, concise wording in giving direction and instant responses.

5. Harvard Divinity School Professor Karen King recently explained the Coptic wording on the papyrus.

6. The wording of the warrant provided the clearest indication yet that authorities were viewing Jackson's death as a criminal matter.

7. The article refuted the remarks, saying the textbooks'change in wording constitutes a distortion of facts.

8. Li noted that the wording used by Wen at the conference is forceful and shows a stronger determination to address the issue.

9. wording

9. A proposed amendment to the Constitution replaces the wording " state of siege " with " state of emergency ".

10. There are others online waiting to help Rudd with his grammar and wording in his new posts.