work on

work on [wə:k ɔn]  [wɚk ɑn] 

work on 基本解释

从事于…; 继续工作; 努力影响[说服]; 致力于

work on 情景对话


A:Are you working overtime tonight?

B:Unfortunately, yes! There’s a lot of work piled up on my desk.
      很遗憾,要加班! 瞧我桌上堆了一堆的事儿。

A:I feel sorry for you.

Voluntary work-(义工)

B:Want to meet for lunch this Saturday?

A:Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy.

B:What are you doing?

A:I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month.

B:What kind of volunteer work?

A:I help out at the children’s hospital. I help plan activities.

B:Oh, yeah?

A:Yeah. It’s exciting. This month we’re doing crossword puzzles.


A:Did you get the job?

B:Yes, I’ll be working in the development department.

A:Did you meet your boss?

B:Just briefly. She seemed nice.

A:Will you have to work overtime?

B:Sometimes. They said I should expect to work overtime once or twice a month.

A:Is it paid or unpaid?

B:It’s unpaid, but I can then take an extra day off. So, if I work an extra 8 hours on a Thursday night, I can take Friday off.

A:That’s alright. It might be tiring, but then you can at least have a three-day holiday.

B:I think it’s great.

A:How about your daily office hours?

B:It’s just a 9-5 job, with a 30 minute lunch break.
      朝九晚五,中午有30 分钟的午休时间。

A:Did you meet your other colleagues?

B:I met the people from my department. They all seemed nice.

A:Do you have an office?

B:Not yet. For now, I have to sit in a cubicle.

A:How do you feel about that?

B:I’m not ecstatic about it, but if nothing else, it will motivate me to work harder so I can get an office!

A:You’re always looking on the bright side of things!

work on 网络解释


1. 致力于:每个人都有想法,但是,革新者有意识地致力于(work on)自己的想法,他们把这些想法(them)一追到底,直到这些想法(they) 证明是可行与否(practical or otherwise).

2. 从事于,努力做:wipe out擦去,抹去;消灭,毁灭 | work on从事于,努力做 | work out解决,算出;弄懂,制定出

3. 从事于......工作:before long 不久 | work on 从事于......工作 | be on the safe side 万无一失

4. 从事:20.搬新家move to a new house | 21.从事work on | 22.向某人寻求帮助ask sb for help

work on 单语例句

1. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Wednesday encouraged business communities of both China and the United States to work more closely to push forward bilateral relations.

2. More than 1 million Taiwan business people work or live on the mainland, statistics show.

3. But somehow, work on the project hasn't started till now.

4. There is a buzz on the ground as people in the city discuss, plan and contemplate the next four years and the work to be done.

5. He commented that the proposal shortens working hours by means of cutting manpower, which means an increased work load for those who are on the job.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. The more people believe that we are revenged by nature, the more they will live on prayers rather than work hard.

7. Rescue work was still going on but no signs of life was detected by Wednesday night.

8. And rescue work on other links was still going on by last night.


9. That jam was caused by road maintenance work and an exceptionally large number of heavy trucks on the road.

10. Work on the canteens is set to end by the end of this year.

work on 英英释义


1. work on的意思

1. shape, form, or improve a material

    e.g. work stone into tools
           process iron
           work the metal

    Synonym: work process

2. to exert effort in order to do, make, or perform something

    e.g. the child worked at the multiplication table until she had it down cold

    Synonym: work at