
workmanship [ˈwɜ:kmənʃɪp]  [ˈwɜ:rkmənʃɪp] 

workmanship 基本解释


workmanship 网络解释


1. 手工:(中期摸过也要再摸,因为每缸洗出来的效果不同)量尺寸(Measurement):每色每码量一件以上. 查手工(Workmanship):按公司规定抽查相当数量的衣服. 写报告(Report):决定大货是合格(Pass)还是要返工

2. 工艺:以上若能持续维持,产品的制造工艺(Workmanship)自然就令人满意,反之,在一个脏乱、昏暗环境及设备时断时续,员工无精打釆情况下,任何生产问题(含安全)都有可能发生,而且层出不穷,其原点为〝生产纪律涣散〞,乃是乱源之始,生产质量、产品质量一定做不好!

3. 制作工艺:林海德精心制作两把提琴参赛:小提琴赢得[制作工艺(Workmanship)优异奖]. 中提琴则兼得 [音色]与[制作工艺](Tone & Workmanship) 两项优异奖 -- 这是本届赛会唯一同时荣获两项奖誉的作品. 这也使林海德成为本届比赛中获奖最多的制琴家.

4. 制造工艺:以上能持续维持,产品的制造工艺(Workmanship)自然就人满意;反之,在一个脏、昏暗环境及设备时断时续,员工无精打釆情况下,任何生产问题(含安全)都有可能发生,而且层出穷,其原点为〝生产纪涣散〞,乃是源之始,生产品质、产品品质一定做好!

workmanship 词典解释

1. 工艺;手艺
    Workmanship is the skill with which something is made and which affects the appearance and quality of the finished object.

    e.g. The problem may be due to poor workmanship...
    e.g. The standard of workmanship is very high.

workmanship 单语例句

1. workmanship的解释

1. A senior citizen was so upset with his new apartment he turned to the media to shame developers into doing something about dodgy workmanship.

2. But the workmanship and the imaginative mixes proved that streamlining can have more depth than just its modernist lines.

3. The rules are aimed at ending shoddy workmanship in the construction industry, but some industry insiders are already predicting problems with the legislation.

4. Its area of influence took in nearly half the country and its jades have long been highly prized for their quality and fine workmanship.

5. One of the most recognizable aspects of good design and fine workmanship lies in the collar.

6. workmanship

6. Many jade articles unearthed from the ruins of Liangzhu Culture show a sophisticated process, fine workmanship and diverse designs.

7. The silk clothes from NO 1 tomb are in a variety of styles and of fine workmanship.

8. workmanship的近义词

8. A piece of exquisite workmanship, it featured delicate wooden carvings painted in red lacquer and gold.

9. workmanship的反义词

9. But the shoddy workmanship and use of inferior materials plagued the project during its maintenance between 2005 and 2006.

10. workmanship的反义词

10. Workmanship accounts for half the value of a finished garment, with the rest determined by materials used in its construction.

workmanship 英英释义



1. skill in an occupation or trade

    Synonym: craft craftsmanship