
workplace [ˈwɜ:kpleɪs]  [ˈwɜ:rkpleɪs] 



workplace 基本解释


名词工作场所,车间; 工厂

workplace 网络解释

1. 工作场所:3.1 工作场所(Workplace)指劳动者进行职业活动的全部地点. 3.2 工作地点(Work Site)指劳动者从事职业活动或进行生产管理过程中经常或定时停留的地点. 3.3 采样点(Sampled site)指根据监测需要和工作场所状况,

2. 工作场地:主题包括医学信息技术的认知评价,自然决策,理解( comprehension) 和医学讨论, 在医学人工智能的认知问题,和医学工作场地(workplace)的分析. 生物医学工程 E4400. 在生物医学图像和信号处理中波动(Wavelets)应用生物医学工程 E6480. 计算神经建模和神经工程(neuroengineering)

workplace 词典解释

1. 工作场所
    Your workplace is the place where you work.

    e.g. ...the difficulties facing women in the workplace...
    e.g. Their houses were workplaces as well as dwellings...

workplace 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. After the identity was uncovered, the police soon found his workplace and the licence plate number of his car.

2. It also holds ad hoc inspections in the workplace to prevent accidents.

3. Wang of CAWE attributes this to the slow pace of change in the workplace and management culture of local companies.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. She says it has advantages because it is close to her husband's workplace and the children's school.

5. Luo went further to stress that in theory all workplace accidents are technical risks and can be prevented through adequate precautionary measures.

6. workplace的解释

6. Beijing - It would look like any other ordinary workplace if it weren't for that coffin lying in the middle of the room.

7. It focuses on matching workers'smarts with existing workplace systems, and boosts collaboration outside the office through smooth and easy interface procedures.

8. Some foreign financial institutions have also failed to forge strong relationships with Chinese partners because they were not good at combining diverse workplace cultures.

9. Last year the central government unified the mechanisms for administering domestic and foreign trade and improved monitoring systems for food and workplace safety.

10. workplace的解释

10. We unified the mechanisms for administering domestic and foreign trade and improved monitoring systems for food and workplace safety.

workplace 英英释义


1. workplace的意思

1. a place where work is done

    e.g. he arrived at work early today

    Synonym: work