
worries ['wʌrɪs]  ['wʌrɪs] 








worries 基本解释
担心( worry的第三人称单数 );为…发愁;困扰;烦恼;
worries 网络解释

1. 忧心忡忡:66 Liu Xiang 刘翔 262 | Worries 忧心忡忡 | 67 Working pressure 工作压力 266

2. 次要的事情,小事一桩, 一点也不担心:53. to let one's hair down 放松,好好玩 | < worries 次要的事情,小事一桩, 一点也不担心 | 55. eat one's words 收回说过等塑的关键时刻

3. 忧虑:Shades 阴影 | Worries 忧虑 | For where you belong 对属于你的地方

4. 烦恼:worrier /使人烦恼的人或事/ | worries /烦恼/ | worriless /无忧无虑的/

worries 单语例句

1. The business sector worries that universal suffrage will lead to welfarism and populism, while the professional sector worries that they may lose their representation in LegCo.

2. It alleges that China is usurping Western jobs and worries over China's financial muscle to buy assets abroad.

3. worries的意思

3. Strip down to your underwear in - 2 C, run a lap in the freezing cold and your worries will be gone.

4. She was was born by caesarean section because of worries over a uterine scar, the result of previous surgery.

5. Most of his friends think he has few worries about finding a good job, but they are quite wrong.

6. Cai's worries come with news from a recent survey which indicates that Guangzhou students'language abilities have been dropping lower than the country's average.

7. Although not many calls came in, they made sure that every caller's questions and worries were addressed.

8. Investors continued to shun banks on worries they still haven't raised enough capital to make up for their colossal losses.

9. The soaring prices of real estate, education and medical care are among the top worries of urban netizens.

10. Coupled with the idyllic surroundings, guests are able to cast aside all worries.