
worrying [ˈwʌriɪŋ]  [ˈwɜ:riɪŋ] 






worrying 基本解释

形容词令人担心的; 焦虑的,烦恼的

worrying 相关例句


1. A long period of worrying led to her nervous prostration.

worrying 网络解释


1. 担忧:理性情绪疗法的创始人艾里斯(Albert Ellis)认为存在三种核心的非理性信念,分别是:认知治疗师Gilson and Freeman从另外一个角度扩展了认知歪曲,他们认为,人们存在八种有关生命的假象(fallacies)的认知歪曲,分别是关于改变(change),担忧(worrying),公平(fairness),

2. 令人担心的--worried感到担心的:surprising令人惊异的--surprised感到惊异的 | worrying令人担心的--worried感到担心的 | I'm interested in the interesting psychology.我对有趣的心理学很感兴趣.

3. 令聞者:> 繼續拍劇繼續working, | > 令聞者worrying, | > 聽者touching,

4. 焦虑的:worry 烦恼 | worrying 焦虑的 | worryingly 焦虑地

worrying 词典解释

1. worrying

1. 令人担心的;使人发愁的
    If something is worrying, it causes people to worry.

    e.g. It's worrying that they're doing things without training.
    e.g. ...a new and worrying report about smoking.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 worrisome
The rate of assaults was worryingly high...
Worryingly for those in favour of competition, the Minister has been resistant to this argument.
worrying 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. This can help promote financial stability while reducing the worrying trend of rising inequality.

2. Diners must consider the view and the price before worrying about other concerns such as actual food.

3. worrying

3. Their implementation stemmed from a government worrying that some overheated sectors such as steel and cement would spark widespread economic overheating.

4. worrying的反义词

4. The two most worrying radioactive isotopes from the power plant are iodine and cesium.

5. In case you are worrying about the current trend of serving stylish but small portions, the chef says there are always large portions on order.

6. But equally shocking and worrying to many parents, teachers and lawmakers is the alarming number of children now addicted to the Internet.

7. Li used to tell her female colleagues of childbearing age to stop worrying about the risks of the family planning policy.

8. worrying的翻译

8. " What is worth worrying is that most parents are not aware of it, " said professor Gao Hongyun from the Children's Hospital of Fudan University.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. When she once closed the store for 12 days for a stocktake, many regular customers approached her worrying that the shop might have closed.

10. The previous deadline for closing down substandard migrant schools in Beijing has been postponed, and today migrant schools are still worrying about their precarious fate.

worrying 英英释义


1. the act of moving something by repeated tugs or pushes

    e.g. vigorous worrying finally loosened the saw

2. the act of harassing someone

    Synonym: badgering torment bedevilment


1. causing distress or worry or anxiety

    e.g. distressing (or disturbing) news
           lived in heroic if something distressful isolation
           a disturbing amount of crime
           a revelation that was most perturbing
           a new and troubling thought
           in a particularly worrisome predicament
           a worrying situation
           a worrying time

    Synonym: distressing distressful disturbing perturbing troubling worrisome