
worthless [ˈwɜ:θləs]  [ˈwɜ:rθləs] 

worthless 基本解释

形容词无价值的,不值钱的; 卑微的; 不足取的,不足道的; 不足轻重

worthless 相关例句


1. This made the treaty worthless.

worthless 网络解释

1. 无价值的:51. D. 对一个人来说无价值的(worthless)东西在另一个人眼里却是财富. 55. A. 对生活中的每一件事情都要有感激之情,尤其(especially)是对朋友.

2. 不值得:04.不要再来伤害我 dont touch me any more | 05.不值得 worthless | 06.当你孤单你会想起谁 you will miss who when you're lonely

3. 无用的:39.vast巨大的 | 40.worthless无用的 | 41.solid固体的

4. 品质坏的:wordless 无言的 | worriless 没有烦恼的 | worthless 品质坏的

worthless 词典解释

1. 无价值的;不值钱的;没用处的
    Something that is worthless is of no real value or use.

    e.g. The guarantee could be worthless if the firm goes out of business...
    e.g. Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 一无是处的;不中用的
    Someone who is described as worthless is considered to have no good qualities or skills.

    e.g. You feel you really are completely worthless and unlovable.

...feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy.
Be careful not to confuse the words worthless, invaluable and priceless. Something which is priceless is so precious that it is difficult to give it a value. ...priceless masterpieces by Canova and Bernini. Something which is invaluable is very useful indeed. It has a spelling checker, which is invaluable if you are dyslexic. In contrast, something that is worthless is of very little value. I'm afraid your shares are now worthless.
注意不要混淆 worthless, invaluable和 priceless。priceless 指非常宝贵,价值难以估量:priceless masterpieces by Canova and Bernini (卡诺瓦与贝尔尼尼的无价杰作)。invaluable指非常有用:It has a spelling checker, which is very invaluable if you are dyslexic (它有一个拼写检查程序,对有诵读困难的人非常有用)。而worthless则意为几乎毫无价值:I'm afraid your shares are now worthless (恐怕你的股票现在一文不值了)。
worthless 单语例句

1. worthless的意思

1. A farmer who discovers a coal mine may find it worthless, but a coal miner can buy it and raise money on the stock market.

2. All appear to be nothing but a pile of worthless junk to most people at their first glance.

3. The winner takes home cash and other prizes, while the loser is usually left feeling heartbroken and worthless.

4. We Chinese are not big on buying worthless stuff and sending it to others with a lavish package.

5. Although there are still chickens available at local farms, he noted that the chickens will be " worthless " without the retailers.

6. Ordinary Zimbabweans have long since stopped doing business in virtually worthless Zimbabwean dollars.

7. There's nothing quite like it and for many of us nothing quite as vile and worthless.

8. To the oyster farmer, they will be worthless until they grow fat again in the cooler months.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. Even old novels that are only read by a small group of people cannot be considered worthless when it comes to their literary value.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. It will be just worthless and the Reserve Bank will be useless too.

worthless 英英释义



1. morally reprehensible

    e.g. would do something as despicable as murder
           ugly crimes
           the vile development of slavery appalled them
           a slimy little liar

    Synonym: despicable ugly vile slimy unworthy wretched

2. lacking in usefulness or value

    e.g. a worthless idler