wounded personnel

wounded personnel

wounded personnel 双语例句

1. In May 2003, move things, when wounded leg pain caused two weeks after, cannot stand. On June 27, I came to HuangShu professor railway hospital treatment, medical personnel, give me a careful treatment.

2. Aeromedical transport of Chinese wounded personnel due to earthquake from Algeria

3. The air quality and vibration condition of compartment play an important role in microenvironment of mobile medical equipment compartment, which have a significant impact on physical health, work efficiency and safety protection of medical personnel and the wounded in compartment.

wounded personnel

4. A second blast targeting an army personnel carrier nearby wounded several soldiers.

wounded personnel 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Military soldiers fought back the mock enemy fighter jets and special personnel immediately arrived on the scene to evacuate local residents and rescue the wounded.

2. It also said he received the Purple Heart, an award given to US military personnel wounded or killed in battle.