
wounded [ˈwu:ndɪd]  [ˈwundɪd] 






wounded 基本解释


动词使受伤,伤害( wound的过去式和过去分词 ); 使(心灵)受伤,伤感情; 缠绕( wind的过去式和过去分词 ); 卷绕

wounded 网络解释

1. 伤亡:sporadic fighting断断续续的战斗 | rebels, wounded,killed, injury,death,casualties伤亡 | heavy fighting激战,

2. 絕命獵殺:絕命真相 Truth (2005) | 絕命獵殺 Wounded (1997) | 絕命聖誕夜 Black Christmas (2006)

3. 受伤的:wound /伤/创伤/损伤/伤害/苦痛/爱的伤害/负伤缠绕/ | wounded /受伤的/ | woundless /没有受伤的/

4. 盗猎者:205 变身国王2 Emperor's 2- Kronk's New Groove,The | 206 盗猎者 Wounded | 207 红龙 red dragon

wounded 单语例句

1. He failed to rob him but wounded him slightly in the buttocks.

2. He said another man was wounded by the explosion, which had the force of up to a half a pound of TNT.

3. wounded的翻译

3. Many of the wounded were being treated in hallways by harried doctors and nurses running on little sleep.

4. At least one civilian bystander was wounded, shot through both cheeks.

5. wounded

5. Palestinians said a bystander was slightly wounded in one of the strikes.

6. wounded

6. An AP Television News cameraman at the scene said he saw at least 12 dead bodies and about a dozen wounded people.

7. wounded的解释

7. A report by marine spokesman Captain Jeff Pool said about 50 insurgents had been killed, and 10 civilians whose homes guerrillas had fired from were wounded.

8. Hu in Taiwan, who was seriously wounded in a car accident over a week ago.

9. wounded

9. The medical unit is to take care of the sick and wounded as well as epidemic prevention.

10. Shoppers fled screaming in panic, while others stopped to help rescuers carry away the wounded.

wounded 英英释义



1. wounded

1. people who are wounded

    e.g. they had to leave the wounded where they fell

    Synonym: maimed


1. suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle

    e.g. nursing his wounded arm
           ambulances...for the hurt men and women

    Synonym: hurt