wrap up

wrap up [ræp ʌp]  [ræp ʌp] 

wrap up 基本解释

包裹; 圆满完成; (使)穿得暖和(wrap somebody/yourself up); 注意力完全集中于…

wrap up 词典解释
wrap up的反义词

1. 穿得暖和
    If you wrap up, you put warm clothes on.

    e.g. Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat...
    e.g. Kids just love being able to romp around in the fresh air without having to wrap up warm...

2. wrap up的解释

2. 圆满完成,圆满结束(工作、协议等)
    If you wrap up something such as a job or an agreement, you complete it in a satisfactory way.

    e.g. NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today...
    e.g. Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game, and he hoped they could wrap it up quickly.

3. see also: wrap 1;wrapped up

wrap up 单语例句

1. wrap up的意思

1. By the time Carnival celebrations wrap up March 8, about 100 parades will have rolled through area streets or float down waterways.

2. His ongoing national tour will wrap up with a stop in Beijing on Christmas Eve.

3. If people no longer seem interested in the incident, they close the investigation and wrap up the case silently.

4. The frame of the building is clothed in a fabric wrap made up of individual pieces 900 meters in length and 20 meters high.

5. Coiling dragons wrap around the wooden pillars that hold up the front corridors.

6. wrap up的解释

6. France were grateful to wrap up their victory over the Czechs in quick time, with Friday's match against the dangerous Russians to come.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. The Constitutional Court has moved with uncharacteristic speed to wrap up a case that could dissolve the elected government.

8. The construction is expected to wrap up in two to three years'time.

9. Ang Lee has been directing the shoot for the past two months, and reportedly plans to wrap up shooting by the end of January.

10. wrap up什么意思

10. It took her about 40 minutes to do the job, at the end of which she wrapped up my head in a plastic wrap.

wrap up 英英释义


1. clothe, as if for protection from the elements

    e.g. cover your head!

    Synonym: cover

2. wrap up

2. form a cylinder by rolling

    e.g. roll up a banner

    Synonym: roll up

3. wrap up在线翻译

3. finish a task completely

    e.g. I finally got through this homework assignment

    Synonym: get through finish off mop up polish off clear up finish up

4. arrange or fold as a cover or protection

    e.g. wrap the baby before taking her out
           Wrap the present

    Synonym: wrap