
wrongdoing [ˈrɒŋdu:ɪŋ]  [ˈrɔ:ŋdu:ɪŋ] 



wrongdoing 基本解释

名词犯罪; 坏事,不道德的行为

wrongdoing 网络解释

1. 坏事:妇女(Women)、金钱(Wampum)和坏事(Wrongdoing)是煽情文章听必备佳肴. 期刊煽情,实则无情. 事实上,环顾四周,大家都在忙碌地上班,平平凡凡地过日子,哪来这么多悲欢离合恩恩怨怨?从什么时候起,我们的生活开始变得如此乱七八糟、惨不忍睹?

2. 不法行为:Oakland 一案中首次提出了这个原则,现在,美国大部分州都采纳了这个原则,要求提起代表诉讼的股东必须是在被告造成公司损害的不法行为(Wrongdoing)发生时一致持续到起诉时都具有股东身份,并且要求一致持续到代表诉讼判决时都必须具有股东身份.

3. 不道德行为:wrong statistical figure 错误统计数字 | wrongdoing 不道德行为 | Wundt figure 冯德图形

4. 错失行为:written test;笔试;; | wrongdoing;错失行为;; | wrongful act;不法行为; 错误行为;;

wrongdoing 词典解释

1. 违法行为;犯罪行为;不道德行为
    Wrongdoing is behaviour that is illegal or immoral.

    e.g. The city attorney's office hasn't found any evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

wrongdoing 单语例句

1. The regulations define that any act of using the IPRs for commercial purpose without authorization constitutes wrongdoing.

2. The intensified fight against corruption shows the country's endeavor to fight official wrongdoing, which has already seen real actions instead of empty slogans.

3. But Hines did call on the Victorian state government to give racing stewards more power to stand down jockeys suspected of wrongdoing.

4. " History should be taken as a mirror to prevent previous wrongdoing from happening again, " said the PFP chairman.

5. He detailed measures to check wrongdoing at a national meeting on the monitoring of quake relief fund and goods.

6. He withdrew several weeks ago following disclosure that a grand jury is investigating allegations of wrongdoing in the awarding of contracts in his state.

7. Their deaths coincided with the clearing of four senior US military officers of wrongdoing in last year's inmate abuse scandal at the jail.

8. Those who cook up false statistical figures should be held accountable for the wrongdoing and be disciplined or punished by law.

9. wrongdoing的翻译

9. The athlete has denied he raped the woman, insisting their encounter was consensual and that his only wrongdoing was adultery.

10. That was not the only time I saw foreigners act so earnestly in correcting other people's wrongdoing.

wrongdoing 英英释义



1. activity that transgresses moral or civil law

    e.g. he denied any wrongdoing

    Synonym: wrongful conduct misconduct actus reus

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. departure from what is ethically acceptable

    Synonym: error