
yenta ['jentə]  ['jentə] 


yenta 基本解释



yenta 网络解释

1. 搬弄是非的女人,爱管闲事的女人,长舌妇:meliorate 改善, 改良, 变好 | yenta 搬弄是非的女人,爱管闲事的女人,长舌妇 | brittle body 脆性[易碎]物体

2. 嚼舌女人:Yenisei 叶尼塞河 | yenta 嚼舌女人 | yeoman 自耕农

3. 长舌妇:yenisei 叶尼塞河 | yenta 长舌妇 | yeomanryyeomenyeomenry 自耕农

4. 爱管闲事的女人:inamorata情妇,姘妇 | yenta爱管闲事的女人 | inamorata恋人,情妇

yenta 双语例句


1. Thanks, but Harvard doesn't give a degree in yenta.


2. Stella: Junior year, you were yenta in fiddler on the roof.
    高中的时候,你在屋顶上的提琴手里演 Yenta 。


3. The only thing is, if you`re not big into internet profiles and don`t have a lot of friends trying to go all Yenta on you, blind dates don`t actually happen that often.


4. Charlotte was on a lunch date with yenta number two's son.

5. The thesis takes Yenta Communication and Engineering School as a case to study, it is introduced the whole process on the introduction of the ISO9000 Quality Management Systems Standard and the pass of authentication, some existing problems and relevant experience are also analyzed, and the primary proposes on the application of the ISO9000 Quality Management System Standard are put forward for school.

6. Baby boomers and their parents probably remember the 2, 000-Year-Old Man, but Grubin recalls another comic icon that was far more pervasive in its time and may have done worlds of good when it comes to Jewish-gentile harmony: Gertrude Berg as Bronx yenta Molly Goldberg, on radio and later on television.
    婴儿潮世代和他们的父母可能还记得2000年岁的老头,但格鲁宾回忆另一个漫画图示,这是迄今为止较为普遍地存在于它的时间,并可能已做了世界的好当谈到犹太人gentile和谐:gertrude伯格为布朗士 yenta莫莉戈德堡,电台,后来在电视上。

7. Y yenta a gossipy, annoying woman.

yenta 英英释义



1. (Yiddish) a woman who talks too much
    a gossip unable to keep a secret
    a woman who spreads rumors and scandal

2. (Yiddish) a vulgar shrew
    a shallow coarse termagant